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Jonathon Herring
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67 снимки
T-40 Nexter 40 CTASView album, image #66
Gotta glue it all down, get the clouds right, fix that ? antenna that keeps breaking. It’s like having an injury, if you...
1:35 T-40 NEXTER (Tiger Model 4665)
24 5 March 2024, 22:37
Tom B.
Intersting vehicle you´ve got there 👍 And a seemingly somewhat challenging kit I presume?
 7 March 2024, 17:32
Jonathon Herring Автор
True. The plastic is brittle. When I trim a sprue gate of the parts face, 70% chance that it will leave a divot. Have learned to cut close, leaving a little behind, and sand flush. All part of our glorious hobby🙃
 7 March 2024, 19:03
Wonderful March Madness build! 👍
Nice progress on the base.
 1 April 2024, 01:33
Looking 👀 good 👍
 1 April 2024, 03:02
Good work on this interesting vehicle
 1 April 2024, 09:31
Jonathon Herring Автор
Thanks, y'all!😊 Needed a quick build to cleanse the palette 👅. Learned a lot, which if I ever stop learning, I'll be done with the hobby. So now, back to down and dirty🎉👏
 1 April 2024, 12:15
Rui S
Great work as usual 👍
 1 May 2024, 14:13
Mr James
Very good indeed. Tip top weathering work
 23 May 2024, 18:46

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