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Тема започната от Mike62

Mike Thomas
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39 снимки
1/12 Ferrari 312T4View album, image #1
As it came.
10 21 March 2024, 03:54
you certainly gave a great new life to this kit, congratulations!
 5 April 2024, 21:44
Mike Thomas Автор
Thank you, sir!
 6 April 2024, 01:52
Lochsa River
One Sweet Ride!!
 6 April 2024, 03:13
Lochsa River
3D printing is slowly revolutionizing modeling...good example here....
 6 April 2024, 03:15
Sy Bar
Great work. I have kit to do, only hope I can get near your work.
I'm finding it hard to find a 3D design package I can use could I ask what you use to design your parts and any book/youtube you used to learn it? Do you design in kit scale or one to one then shrink to kit scale? Any help would be a great help cheers 👍
 6 April 2024, 05:58
That's exactly, a perfect example of how 3D printing has improved our hobby. There's lots of things that I'd love to add to my builds, but they're not out there yet? Hence why I try to make my own.
Great restoration Mike!
 6 April 2024, 08:55
Mike Thomas Автор
Thanks, folks! I can honestly say, without a 3D printer, this car would have been a bear to finish. My scratch building skills aren't near as good as a 3D printer can do!

I've had a garage diorama in mind for many years and now with a 3D printer, I am making diorama pieces like a mad man! Tools, parts, people, signs...anything you can imagine. Now I just need to get off my butt and start building the damn thing! (As soon as I finish the other 15 projects that are in my "to do" pile! 🤣)
 6 April 2024, 15:00
really interested in seeing that dio 🙂
by the way your albums about 3D prints, have comments disabled....
 6 April 2024, 21:01
Mike Thomas Автор
Thanks, Spanjaard...didn't realize the comments were off, don't remember setting it. Oh well, good now.

I recommend you don't hold your breath for the dio. I was basing it on my father-in-laws shop.
He had a two bay garage and his wife ran a fruit and vegetable shop from the convenience store side. I had actually bought some resin cast pieces for it when I was living with my wife and kids. I moved out in 2009 so...it's been on the back burner for awhile! 🤣😁
 6 April 2024, 22:57
bo rush 🙂
 7 April 2024, 08:20

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