Тема започната от Super-crouz

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84 23 March 2024, 18:23

I have been bothered by the unbuilt ModelSvit Su-17 in my closet for quite some time, so I will be following your project with great interest!
24 March 2024, 05:28

Thanks for your comments!
Riveting is almost done, first sight of the beast with her wings!
Le rivetage est quasiment terminé, premier aperçu de la bête avec ses ailes. 🙂
1 April 2024, 16:38

What did you use for the rivets close to other parts? The riveting wheels of this tool are quite large, I bought the same tool for trying out, as it was available and not that expensive. But I think for parts other than wings it is quite unusable.
1 April 2024, 20:07

Thanks all for following!
@DerMattes I use a needle to rivet the pieces I can't reach with my riveting wheel. I try to rivet most of the part before assembling, it's more simple.
2 April 2024, 18:08

Great result. I particularly like the figures. I think they are the hardest part in this scale.
24 April 2024, 18:06

Outstanding build and paint job. Very nice diorama. 👌👌👌 Congratulation!
25 April 2024, 06:38

Looks great, build quality and presentation is very nice. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering what quality of these modelsvit kits is and judging from your pics it looks quite well.
25 April 2024, 08:04

Thanks all for your comments!
Moselsvit have nice and well detailed models. 🙂
25 April 2024, 16:42