Тема започната от BigBill

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32 23 March 2024, 19:30

I have built this ages ago. Looking forward to watching your build. Prepare to put in a ton of weight. If you plan to build it with the doors closed...
26 March 2024, 19:30

Actually I have a bit spray booth, created specifically with this kit in mind. After completing the Me-321. Purchased booths didn't cut it due to size, cost, and noise. So I built my own: 35" wide x 18" deep. Included 4 muffin fans and they are have a lower db rate test result than a purchased 2 fan system. I used scrape wood to keep the cost down. The cost was in the LED lights, fans, and exhaust parts. Works great. I will have to make space for the finished model next to the Me-321, so that's where the challenge will be. Pictures to come.
12 May 2024, 21:28

Very big kit !
May build it someday, it's smaller than a sub ! 🙂
Follow !
7 June 2024, 14:45