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Reggiane 2005 commission build
Finished! RS model is a good short run kit, needs only some reverse engineering to bring the plastic parts to the origin...
Проект: Reggiane 2005 commission build
43 29 March 2024, 00:26

Ready for another show!
(A bit frustrated that another Italian planes is commissioned with those insignia...)
15 May 2024, 08:10

Thanks Nicolas, Robert and Moreno! (come si dice, de gustibus... e non c'è due senza tre...)
15 May 2024, 21:38

Great start (as usual) Andrea!
(Quale sarà il terzo, un altro caccia o magari un SM? 😉 )
25 May 2024, 19:59

Thank you all for your interest, fuselage is colsed and mated to the wing now, photos in the next days...
@Moreno: fuochino, fuoco, fuoco!!!
27 May 2024, 20:08

Thanks a lot to everybody, I am really glad you like it! Compared to a 109 is really a bigger airframe, it doesn't seem at first sight!
12 July 2024, 17:05