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30 13 April 2024, 09:51

Nice. Leaving the surface texture of the foam board for the apron makes it look quite east european indeed. Nice twist. Adding a frame would give this nice dio a bit more of a professional appearance. Just a thought.
26 July 2024, 08:18

Thank you, on my next diorama i would try to find a frame or make it.Do you have any advice for frames?
26 July 2024, 08:52

You can make a simple cover for your dio with veneer or plasticcard just cut to size and glued blunt. Quite a few use readymade picture frames. This is convenient. In my opinion two aspects can make it look a bit off: first if the dio is made to fit the frame and not vice versa. And second if the level of the frame is higher than the level of the dio. This can easily be avoided by putting in a higher foam board. Wooden profiles can be cut at 45° angle and fit around the foam. This allows you to fashion any size you want. I have covered irregular shapes with veneer and with simple card board that I varnished afterwards.
Have a look around here. There are plenty of excellent solutions to be found - and a few which show possible pitfalls.
Half a dozen techniques you will find at my stuff (including not so good ones 😉 ).
26 July 2024, 09:09

Thanks you very much Michael for this advices.I would give my best and show next on my diorama.( Probaly in 2-3 weaks)
26 July 2024, 15:57