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Thomas Kolb
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50 снимки
MiG-23 MF/UB 'Flogger' - Double Build - Kovozávody ProstějovView album, image #50
Starting to mask off the green areas using Tamiya masking tape. Initially they flew in their Soviet factory camouflage, ...
1:72 MiG-23 Flogger - Pitot Tube (Master AM-72-040)1:72 MiG-23UB (Eduard AMP7210)1:72 MiG-23 MF/ML (Hungary, Soviet Union, Romania) (HADmodels  72095)4+
69 1 May 2024, 07:00
Mid Franconian
I need to watch this!
 1 May 2024, 19:39
Me 2!
 2 May 2024, 19:40
I'm in!
 2 May 2024, 21:17
Łukasz Gliński
Me 4, might be my reference in the future 👍
 3 May 2024, 08:33
Robert Podkoński
High five!
 3 May 2024, 09:27
 4 May 2024, 11:10
And I thought starting my third such kit from KP/RV Aircraft is self torture. The truth is, once you had finished one of them in the past, the frustration decreases with each new one.

Any idea how you will treat the taxiing lights?
 5 May 2024, 07:34
Thomas Kolb Автор
Marius, I honestly don't think this kit is so terrible. There are some fit issues for sure, but I have built much worse kits. I constantly keep reminding myself that I only do this for relaxation and fun, and not for a competition or as a profession.

Are you referring to the swiveling landing lights underneath the intakes?
 5 May 2024, 07:50
Thomas, I share your opinion about the kit and hobby too actually. The kit is dreadful in a few areas, but overall more than decent. I finished two of these already and I must say, they really stand out my collection, despite the kit's reputation.

Yes, I was refering to those lights. If I remember it correctly, there are some transparent parts included in the kit, but the intakes are completely flat, where the lights should go. I made the mistake to install those lights in the closed position, instead of the more interesting setup, when they are deployed downwards. In any case, it's just a heads up, in case you might want to add some extra detailing.
 5 May 2024, 08:34
Thomas Kolb Автор
Yes, I see your point regarding those lights, but I will probably just stick to my usual middle road - easy to accomplish and still produces a cool result. 🙂
 5 May 2024, 14:44
Martin von Schreckenstein
haha, love the topic and kit selection. you are definitely more meticulous than I was 🙂
 7 May 2024, 21:23
Thomas Kolb Автор
Martin, I saw your MiG-23 project - it is way more ambitious than mine! I am not so meticulous, just very, very slow, only having an hour or two to spend here and there.
 8 May 2024, 07:53
Thomas Kolb Автор
A bit of a setback here. I just realized that I had foolishly been following the assembly drawings and thus ended up with the wings upside down. Bottom side up and vice versa. It may not be something that is easily noticeable, but knowing myself, I would never be able to unsee it now. So I am backtracking my steps and need to change the way the wings are facing without ruining the fuselage. Mamma mia, what a noob mistake-a to make-a.
 8 May 2024, 10:39
Łukasz Gliński
Great you found it out before it was too late. I see we used to watch the same TV series 😄
 8 May 2024, 10:44
Dave Flitton
 8 May 2024, 16:30
Thomas Kolb Автор
Łukasz, yes, haha, you found the hint.
 9 May 2024, 12:24
I'm in
 9 May 2024, 13:30
Jiri Vybihal
good luck 😄
 20 May 2024, 07:21
Guy Rump
I'm in too. 👍
 22 May 2024, 17:40
Good job with the air intakes 👍
 23 May 2024, 18:14
I'm in! I'm also working on KP's MiG-23 and had the same issues with fitting and wings. Damn I didn't notice that the wings are upside down...
 24 May 2024, 15:02
Cristian A
I'm taking a sit as well 🙂
 27 May 2024, 07:24
Thomas Kolb Автор
Thank you gentlemen for your encouraging words! 🙂 The twin seater assembly is done, and now I need to finish the single seater. I am now thinking about which individual aircraft to represent and which camo to use.
 30 May 2024, 12:35
This is looking great. watching with interest!
 30 May 2024, 13:58
I agree with @aetios 👍
 30 May 2024, 17:54
Cristian A
Hi Thomas, nice progress. I think the Tamiya paints are my favourite so far. They apply well and they don't smell so strongly.
 3 June 2024, 14:20
Thomas Kolb Автор
Cristian, yes, they are mine too. They also react superbly well to the Mr Color Leveling thinner and level out to perfection. Too bad that the color range is a bit narrow, you need to mix almost everything.
 3 June 2024, 18:30
Cristian A
Thanks for the tip Thomas, I recently discovered Tamiya paints. The hobby shop seller recommended "Aqueous Hobby Color Thinner" and using that works well also.
 4 June 2024, 09:14
Mirko Römer
Respect! 🙂
 4 June 2024, 15:21
Michael Kohl
 4 June 2024, 16:51
Thomas Kolb Автор
Damit, ran out of white paint.... I decided to also order the Mr Paint Hungarian set to see if they are any good.
 8 June 2024, 18:43
Łukasz Gliński
Mr Paint is grand, but more stinky than Tamiyas
 8 June 2024, 19:19
Mr D
If l cut an item of the spru and it has a possibility of mix up, l up a little bit of making tape with part number on it to label it up, l do this as made this mistake before with wheel bay doors !! " Wanded when so much sanding needed!" 😆.
Every build has it's niggle...once it's been on shelf a month...soon forget, good work
 8 June 2024, 22:21
Thomas Kolb Автор
Mr D, yes, it's a good tip. But it doesn't help when the assembly drawing is wrong! The best is to constantly keep referring to real photos - sometimes even apex companies, such as Tamiya, Special Hobby or Eduard make silly mistakes.
 9 June 2024, 06:18
Mr D
I know, I'm doing a Tamiya and they missed of colour required for 3 different parts!
 9 June 2024, 08:41
Thomas Kolb Автор
The masking of the standard single seater is a pretty relaxing task, but Iván The Terrible (no 20), with its blotchy, multi-color camo is proving a real challenge. I am trying to add the colors in the order as they were applied on the real aircraft to make the pattern realistic, but man, it is tricky!
 30 June 2024, 09:48
 30 June 2024, 18:19
Hey Thomas I wonder how you got the camo masking so clean, mind sharing some insights?
 6 November 2024, 14:38
Mr D
Looking good, are you doing them to match box art ? the one camo looks tricky.
 6 November 2024, 15:08
Thomas Kolb Автор
Time is currently absolutely non-existent for modeling, but soon …

Aeitos, I am using Tamiya masking tape, cut to shape with a brand new blade. The original had have slightly soft lines, but I am totally unable to fix that to scale.

Mr D, no, for the single seater, it will be the standard Hungarian three color camo, but Ivan (the two-seater), will have that weird Soviet five-tone camo pattern.
 7 November 2024, 18:23
Mr D
Thanks Thomas 👍
Office/ Blue tack masking gives a softener edge to camo edges... I think because of it sits higher the paint doesn't blow in the edge to hard.
 7 November 2024, 20:03
Thomas Kolb Автор
Mr D, thank you, yes I know, I have tried the masking putty method dozens of times but always ended up with an uneven pattern or too wide overspray for 1:72. I guess I am too fist-handed… 🙄
 8 November 2024, 05:44

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