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Robin (WhiteGlint)
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24 снимки
Mazda CosmoView album, image #24
Getting close to the finish line.
Проект: Mazda Cosmo Sport
1:24 Mazda Cosmo Sport w/Chin Spoiler (Hasegawa 20522)
24 2 May 2024, 06:11
Robin (WhiteGlint) Автор
Working on my first car kit is quite an interesting experience and as expected very different from building tanks, aircraft and sci fi stuff like mechs.
I must say it was quite frustrating at times and if the workspace isn't very clean it's easy to get, for example, splatters of dried red paint on it or scratches on the paintjob as it happened to me here a few times as well.

This one won't turn out flawless, there will be imperfections but so far it looks quite nice. The Mazda itself needs a few more coats of clear coat at some areas because I sanded down the dried red paint splatters...
A few more decals need to be added. What annoys me a bit is that the outer part of the Mazda logo decal on the hood is misisng. I could not get it onto the model and then I could not get it aligned properly. It's one of these "rubbing transfer" decals. I am sure there is a real term for it.

I am also working on a simple base I will permanently attach the model to. a parking lot. After everything is done I will put into a little display case and then it's ready as a gift.
 2 May 2024, 06:23
I like it 👍
 5 May 2024, 08:14
Bruce Huxtable
Great results 🙂 You tease....the second terrain looks very interesting too!
 5 May 2024, 08:29
Robin (WhiteGlint) Автор
THanks Bruce and Torsten!
Oops, the 2nd terrain belongs to my Mechwarrior Raven project. It somehow sneaked into that album. 😄
 5 May 2024, 17:56
Petr Kokeš
Looks pretty nice!
 6 May 2024, 17:06
Robert Podkoński
Great job, Robin! I have the same kit in my stash.
 6 May 2024, 17:29
Robin (WhiteGlint) Автор
Thanks a lot mates! Not much happened here lately as I try to finish the base. Then it's pretty much done. The chipping on the markings of the parking lot is quite heavy so I want to make it look a little nicer with some flowers. 🙂
 13 May 2024, 08:40

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