Тема започната от jott

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74 31 May 2024, 15:31

Looking forward to visit "Airpower24" tomorrow. This reminded me that I have taken some pictures the last weeks that did not yet find the way into the album. So here we go.
6 September 2024, 19:53

Hello everyone - thanks for your intereest. I must admit that this is not a very exiting build, but thanks for yor interest - will to the painting this weekend and I just checked the decal sheet,....uuuii, there are plenty tiny stickers to be placed.
15 September 2024, 08:28

thx for your likes mates,..I can report a little progress
28 September 2024, 10:14

Super Arbeit soweit! der Airpower19 Eurofighter ist nicht ganz so spannend wie die letzten beiden "Tiger" aber trotzdem nice to have 🙂
29 September 2024, 19:36

I had trouble with the front landing gear on this kit breaking. I don't know if was just a fluke or if the mold is too thin. It may need reinforcement.
29 September 2024, 19:42

@ Bas Tonn -welcome & I will do my best to finish it soon. 🙂
30 September 2024, 06:47

@ Starfish -thx for your comment. I have the Nato Tiger from '22 on the bench as well. Eurofighter Typhoon - "Austrian Tigers" 7L*WC | Album by jott (1:72)
And you are right - the more colourful livery is way more interessting (application of decals 🙂 - but also to look at it when done). I will up-date the other Album soon.
30 September 2024, 06:52

@ Skyhiker
I am building 2 of those revel kits in parallel - both front landing gears broke already right after taking it from the sprue.... so thx for your advice, I hope other mates receive this info to take precaution.
30 September 2024, 06:55

Nice job Juergen! 👍 I'm looking forward to see your Eurofighters live at Euromodell Ried!
2 October 2024, 09:37

Hallo Raphael, Harry & Alec - welcome and thx for leaving your comments. @Harry - I guess the 2 Typhoons will be ready just in time. Looking forward to meet you there.
3 October 2024, 10:59

So far so good - final pictures soon after the model show in Ried this coming week end.
16 October 2024, 18:15

Great job (on both)! 👍 I'm looking forward to see them live on saturday! 😉
17 October 2024, 11:51

Thank you Starfish, Guy and Lukasz. Thx Harry - see you tomorrow.
18 October 2024, 04:38

Great looking model - and finished just in time for the show 👍 See you tomorrow!
18 October 2024, 15:31

Thank you Alec.
Danke Bughunter. Man sieht sich,.... 🙂
18 October 2024, 17:51

Thx Neuling for leaving a comment.
Guys - thx for your likes!
5 November 2024, 17:17

Schön geworden! Die wichtigste Frage - welche Farbe für den Rumpf (und die Nase?) Sieht stimmig aus!
5 November 2024, 17:34

Hallo - -Danke für dein nettes Kommentar.
Hinsichtlich Farbe: Radom FS36314 & Rumpf FS36231. Hab das Radom nicht ganz getroffen (scheint mir etwas zu hell).
Habe Mr. Hobby/Gunze Farben verwendet, weis nicht mehr welche exakt das waren - werde nochmal nachschauen und mich melden.
5 November 2024, 18:35

Das Endergebnis habe ich ja total übersehen - eine tolle und sehr überzeugende Arbeit mein Freund!
19 November 2024, 16:52

Hallo Stefan - danke für dein nettes Kommentar, freut mich wirklich sehr.
21 November 2024, 10:41

@Alex - Nachtrag: hinsichtlich Farben - keine Mr. Hobby/Gunze Farben (? Sorry) - also es waren fürs Radom AmmoMIG-0207 (FS36314/BS626) und für den Rumpf habe ich Dark Gull Grey 71.277 von Vallejo Model Air verwendet.
21 November 2024, 10:47

Danke Jürgen, DGG von Vallejo habe ich zufälligerweise auch herumliegen!
21 November 2024, 17:53