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74 14 June 2024, 06:54

While waiting for some paints to arrive in the mail to continue my MiG-23 build project, I decided to do a very quick build of the Eduard L-39 in my stash. This kit is labeled as a "weekend" build, which might be a bit optimistic for me, but should still be a quick progress.
14 June 2024, 07:14

Do you already have a plan for the shades you're going to use? I found the L-39 classic camouflage very hard to get right. I hope you'll have more luck with it.
14 June 2024, 17:32

@Clement: I think I've seen these colours released lately by Mr.Paiint
14 June 2024, 18:47

Thanks @Łukasz, well spotted!
MRP-010 Brown Green ČSN 2250
MRP-013 Khaki ČSN 5450
MRP-027 Light Pastel Grey ČSN 1010
For those interested
15 June 2024, 06:17

For the Hungarian standard camo, MRP has released an entire set, consisting of MRP-351 Brown, MRP-352 Dark Green and MRP-353 Light Blue.
18 June 2024, 16:11

Yesterday I spent some time comparing the hue and tint of the MRP paints with my own mix of Tamiya acrylics (as described in photo 26 above), and found them to be absolutely identical. I also found the MRP paints much too smelly and aggressive and hard to adjust if you want to blend in slightly varying tones in panels etc. The Tamiyas can furthermore be used for extremely diluted thin filter applications, while the MRP are block solid.
19 June 2024, 06:49

Well done on those paints!
I agree with you, Tamiya paints spray great and don't smell nearly as nasty as MRP's.
19 June 2024, 13:22

I see you mixed too much of this colour and used it on the background 😋
Lovely preshading, sth I don't have enough patience for
21 June 2024, 10:31

Very nice painting job, Thomas. Looks fantastic so far 👍
I recently saw that Edward has released the transparent parts of this kit as "L-39 Revised Canopy":
L-39 Revised Canopy (Eduard 7040Y, 1:72)
Do you know what problem the original transparent parts have?
24 July 2024, 17:49

Cuajete, thank you! No, I wasn't aware of any issues with the canopy. To me, the version provided in the kit is good enough, it certainly looks correct compared with photos.
24 July 2024, 19:53

I'm not sure, but the kit photos show onle the multi part canopy. The revised Canopy kit also has a single peace closed version.
25 July 2024, 04:27

Nicolas, yes, you are right. With the new set you also get a closed canopy so the builder doesn't have to join the separate pieces together. I guess it makes for a simpler build.
25 July 2024, 06:07

@ Cuajete: I tried it direktly from Thomas' albums. There it works, but ther is a notice that comments are disabled.
26 July 2024, 18:00

Very nice! This build reminds me that I started a similar kit more thas ten years ago, with a Czech camo and some decals already applied...Now It's om the "shelf od doom" ...Maybe something I'll retake it!
27 July 2024, 20:07

And with a little effort, the project is pushed over the finishing line. Photos will come soon!
17 August 2024, 16:10

Done a nice job there buddy, l really liked the cockpit on this one, nice colour n details.well done...👍👍👍
17 August 2024, 21:21

My dear fellow modelers, thank you for the congratulations. I really appreciate it.
18 August 2024, 08:08