Тема започната от gogogadjed

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6 15 June 2024, 18:32

Do you mind if l ask what white paint you use??
I use Velejo for most my builds been good....but the white is poor in pigment!! I got recommend AK White.....and it is loads better but bit thick.
Like what you achieved so far 👌👍
1 July 2024, 12:33

Good question, i use Tamiya colors for the most projects. The White color ist named X2. I thinn it with Isopropanol.
Hope i could help you.
1 July 2024, 15:27

Yes, good help as l didn't know the Tamiya paint could be thinned with isopropanol. I have few pots that have thickened up bit to much.
So will get some in.
Thanks 👍👍
2 July 2024, 14:48

You could Not all colors thin with Isopropanol, but the most. All glittering colors have to dry more than 24hours and use some gloves. If you didnt do it, you got fingerprints on your kit. I learn that the hard way. 😅
2 July 2024, 16:38