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69 24 June 2024, 07:48

Great job so far! I would love to get an explanation about how to do these LED lighting in detail as I have no idea about this.
8 July 2024, 05:04

Thanks Tim, Villiers, and Thomas. I did put a led for the trolled sonar bay back at the stern. It is apparently not bright enough to be really visible. Probably not noticeable after finished.
I prefer to use Led tape light as it has build in resistors so I don't need do calculation to figure out the resistor value. Once that is sorted, what left is just connect the led unit with a battery and a switch. I think it is better to ask a trained electrician as the circiut I built don't last long and I don't really know why.
9 July 2024, 12:37

I expect modelling of the highest quality from your bench. So far I am not disappointed. 🙂
Keep it up.
6 August 2024, 09:58

Hm, how long did it take to make the nice looking ocean surface? It certainly looks like a fun project.
I wish I knew how to make such ocean surfaces, as it really seem to complete a model with such a diorama.
I am no expert on led's but my impression is that one has to be careful that the voltage to the led's is controlled to specs, so they don't burn out shortly after and end up being un-repairable inside the model. Also, something about connecting led's in parallel, pattern iirc, to avoid one dead led blacking out all the rest of the leds in a serial connection, iirc.
25 August 2024, 09:36

Thanks Treehugger, THomas and Tim.
As for the sea base, you can check a YouTube channel called ''studio blue ocean'', I basically followed his videos. And treehugger did a pretty good summary for LEDs. The voltages is very important and it is always needed to put some resistors in series to potect the LEDs. The size of the resistors can be calculated with ohms' law. There are small circuit boards for LEDs which can be used to make everything easier.
8 September 2024, 12:51

Fantastic work with all the photoetch parts. Your attention to detail shows.
14 September 2024, 03:48

Getting better and better; can you please show us a detail picture from the inside of the hangar? Did you build this from scratch?
14 September 2024, 03:49

Thanks, Rui and Villiers. I just masked the hangar as I am going to paint the outside. I will get better hangar photos once finish. The trumpster kit comes with the hangar and the ceiling is in good detail (I only add LEDs to the ceiling). Only the walls need additional work to add details, like handrails, supports etc.
14 September 2024, 12:27

Wow! Fantastic detail work and great job on the weathering and the base!
25 October 2024, 06:13

@Hang Li: For the 'oil canning' effect. Did you have accurate plans for the frame spacing or how did you come up with the pattern you used? I have to say that is look really convincing after some more weathering effects are applied on top.
25 October 2024, 10:09

thanks Ingmar, Gary and Villiers. As for the 'oil canning' effect, I found some photos which are somewhat visible for this effect as reference for the pattern and I have to simplifie the pattern to make it practical. So it is not quite accurate. I got some pre-cutted masking paper in 1mm, 2mm, and 3mm and I just picked one that I believe is most suitable.
26 October 2024, 10:58

Thank you for the explanation! It looks convincing to me! Keep up the great work!
26 October 2024, 11:52

Amazing build!! Did you use resin for the sea base? If so, how did you manage to make that rough sea surface? It looks amazing
7 November 2024, 08:54

astonishing build and breathtaking seascape. Hats off to your talent!
7 November 2024, 15:42

Thanks, everyone. As for the material used for the sea base, I normally use high-density insulation foam (blue sheet from my early photos) and clay. I think many people build diorama this way. I believe there are more sophisticated methods nowadays. I saw someone using CFD modeling to simulate the wave pattern and 3D printing the entiry sea base in Chinese formus.
7 November 2024, 23:58

I tried the 3D printing method once, but only for something like 10x10cm, as that is the maximum for my printer and I did not see how I could glue several pieces together without visible seam. The seascape was generated in Blender and I have to say it looked stunning! BUT I feel a lot of the final effect and realism comes from painting and here you are doing a superb job! I will definitely take your work as my inspiration for my next take on displaying water!
8 November 2024, 05:54

Thank you all for your continoues supports, I have fibalky finished this project. The 1/350 does require a lot more works and for my next project I think I will try somethng I havent build before, cheers
16 November 2024, 09:30

Excellent model! Small details everywhere and clean execution. I especially like your stressed skin and the weathering in combination with the very convincing looking seascape. And also the detail painting on the railings is attention to detail you don't see everyday!
16 November 2024, 21:16

Lots of nice details. I see the ladders stand out from the walls which is nice, I don't think I've seen that before.
18 November 2024, 07:54

Amazing job! Such a detailed ship and the waves look great as well.
18 November 2024, 12:41