Тема започната от NAFO

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45 8 July 2024, 09:50

For some reason I see the subject as "Mikoyan MiG-29S Fulcrum-C (Izdeliye 9.13)" 🙁
14 July 2024, 17:49

I see F-16?
Anyway, today is a great day to make some progress on this kit
23 July 2024, 13:45

Deffo says fulcrum-c under title. But looking forward to this one anyway. 👍🏻
23 July 2024, 15:53

Ah I see it as well!
Anyway I made some good progress building my Orc Smasher.
31 July 2024, 16:59

Reference video x.com/Maks_NAFO_FELL../1820096182171173253
4 August 2024, 14:06

The sound of victory, RGFY!
4 August 2024, 14:39

Temporary paused, looking at Twitter/X/Telegram is more fun these days.
8 August 2024, 16:16

Crazy how fast it goes!
A great lesson for the arrogant orcs and vatniks (you know who you are) on this site.
8 August 2024, 18:18

Seriously guys , let's try and keep politics out of it… as for changing you avatar to the " Russian Bear" get a life. 🤣 just sooo embarrassing ps I apologise to the OP but couldn't leave it.
Anyone feel like responding to me please do it on MY wall where I'm happy to "discuss" this with anyone without cluttering up this build thread.
13 August 2024, 10:33

Сколько здесь смелых ребят собралось... Как собаки на медведя гавкают из-за забора! Не стыдно?
13 August 2024, 11:07

How many brave guys have gathered here... They bark at a bear from behind a fence like dogs! Aren't you ashamed
не более позорно, чем ядерная «сверхдержава», издевающаяся над своим соседом и вторгающаяся в него после подписания мирного договора. не более позорно, чем использование «Новочка» против мирных жителей, не более стыдно, чем использование ракет большой дальности для поражения школ, больниц и супермаркетов. о да, мне очень стыдно 🙃
no more shameful than a nuclear "superpower" bullying its neighbor and invading it after signing a peace treaty. no more shameful than using "Novichok" against civilians, no more shameful than using long-range missiles to hit schools, hospitals and supermarkets. oh yeah, I'm very ashamed 🙃
13 August 2024, 11:21

Вы только что писали "давайте постараемся не вмешивать политику". А сами чем занимаетесь? Про школы, больницы и супермаркеты...поменьше смотрите TV. И не переносите это все на сайт про моделизм! Идите на сайты, где "эксперты" обсуждают войну, сидя на диване
13 August 2024, 13:44

ты ответил, назвав меня трусом, отсюда и ответ. стыдно, что тебе пришлось это сделать. теперь либо перенеси это на мою стену, либо уйди
13 August 2024, 14:57

Oleg is right, one of the many war propagandas of every nations during wartimes is to demonize the enemy soldier. Only the enemy is evil and committing crime, we are defending the free world and if atrocities occure these were only rare "mistakes". During World War II the Japanese were called "Ants" by the Americans as it feels more easier to kill a pesky animal than a human, Germans were called "Krauts". The title "Orc smasher" is not very helpful to keep a neutral stance. And as it is a "modelling site" politics should strictly being kept outside by the moderators here as in other forums.
19 August 2024, 04:31

"Orc Smasher" is the official nickname.
The moment a friendly russian is part of the SMO they become an Orc.
If moderators feel the above is not ok, I am happy to rebrand it to:
- Retard Reducer
- TerroriZt Smasher
- Rapor Evaporator
19 August 2024, 06:55

Just to wade in…as I've had a long conversation with Oleg. My original sentiment was just that, to try to keep politics out of this thread. Oleg then responded with , paraphrasing here"look at you cowards" which I challenged. So , no, Oleg is NOT right . If he doesn't like the thread we aren't forcing him to read it. There was no need to make personal comments about the contributors.
19 August 2024, 07:30

sorry for the short break, the CIA budget for my NAFO account was 100% used. Recent "peaceful" activities by a bunch of cowards fixed that. My budget was tripled.
26 August 2024, 14:40