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64 снимки
To Russia, with Love - Hobby Boss 1/48 A-10A - CompleteView album, image #62
Slime lights turned out well, so I guess I’m good with calling this puppy done! If you lasted this long - THANK YOU1
1:48 A-10 "Thunderbolt" II (HobbyBoss 80323)1:48 A-10A Thunderbolt II interior 3D decal (Quinta Studio QD48143)
50 29 July 2024, 17:30
Gary Curling
l Can see all hard work looking good.
 1 August 2024, 16:09
CaptGPF Автор
Thanks Gary! Almost done with the finishing touches after the cat tried to test out the strength of the landing gears!
 1 August 2024, 20:24
Mike K
I'll be damned.You put lights in it?
 1 August 2024, 23:18
CaptGPF Автор
LOL! Yes indeed! It would not do this bird justice with anything less! 😜
 1 August 2024, 23:33
Great job, especially with the lights and limelights! 👍
Will keep some of things in mind here for future work.
 22 August 2024, 11:46
excellent job. the lighting certainly makes is pop even more!
 22 August 2024, 11:59
Ben M
Looks great, the lighting is cool. You clearly overcame some real challenges on this build, kudos to you!
 22 August 2024, 12:24
Mr James
Beautiful shading work with lots of excellent prep work. Impressive paintjob. The light is a lovely touch
 22 August 2024, 15:50
Robert Podkoński
Beautiful Hog!
 22 August 2024, 15:56
Mr D
Very nice, like the LED kit, is it usb charging??
The A-10, "Fire n brimstone for the air " 💥
 22 August 2024, 16:18
Fantastic result Capt!
 24 August 2024, 08:14
CaptGPF Автор
Alexander / Spanjaard / Ben / Robert / Mr James and Gorby - Thank you for the kind words. It means a lot coming from the guys who are always putting out great builds that inspire me!

Mr D - yes, I used a rechargeable 9V battery - amazon.com/gp/produc..le?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This has a micro-usb charging port at the other end so I attached a micro-usb extender cable and routed it to the bottom of the Warthog.

I used blinking 3mm and Micro-LEDs for the rest of the kit from Amazon. Some folks use Arduinos or electronic kits, but that's a bit out of my league at this point - so I'll stick with blinking LEDs instead. - Simpler, Easier, and less parts to break. 😀

 25 August 2024, 01:18
Kesa Tiho
Imagine showing this to an early WW2 pilot. I would pay to see their reaction
 19 September 2024, 20:39
Kesa Tiho
9/10 build tho (not a 10/10 because ive seen better, sorry)
 19 September 2024, 20:39
Mr D
^^ 🙄^^ keep it positive n nice place to be ^^

Great work n Achievement Capt..... shading worked out nice 😁👍👍👍
 19 September 2024, 21:54
Kesa Tiho
I am being positive and nice but im also not lying to him, his build is fantastic its just there are better out there. People cant get better if they dont know they can improve and outsiders opinions matter
 19 September 2024, 21:57
Mike K
Offering criticism when appropriate is fine. Rating on a scale of 1 to 10 is a bit much. Your criticism is not constructive.
 20 September 2024, 05:07
Stefan Fraundorfer
You have built an extremely impressive Thunderbolt. I have the same kit in my stash and would be happy if I could do the model even half as well as you.
 20 September 2024, 05:57
One of my favorite aircraft. Built in a luxury version. Very beautiful colors and shading!
 20 September 2024, 06:16
Excellent stuff CaptGPF!👍🏻
 20 September 2024, 06:58
CaptGPF Автор
Thank you everyone - no offense taken for the 9/10 - this is a hobby where I am constantly trying to get better on, and there were a lot of mistakes made. If I could change something, I'd have chosen a different shade of green to make it pop out a bit more - so I'll take the high marks!

there's a lot of really good builders out there and I am constantly amazed with the quality of their work - I'm just glad there's always something new to learn and a good bar for quality and excellence to strive for!
 20 September 2024, 21:09
Mr James
Thats some good info on the kit being a bit old and lacking detail. You've done a lovely job of it and I agree with Neuling on the shading.
 20 September 2024, 21:35
CaptGPF Автор
Thanks Mr. James. I learned a lot from you armor guys on shading the panels a little lighter for contrast!
 21 September 2024, 00:22

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