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Тема започната от Aeronut

Iain Ogilvie
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26 31 July 2024, 11:25
WOW! Stunning work.
 31 July 2024, 11:40
Exactly 👍 And some more pictures, also of details, would be nice.
 31 July 2024, 12:07
Iain Ogilvie Автор
Thanks for your interest gorby and bughunter!

These are some quick images I grabbed on Sunday - will get some better ones and post here.

Part 'traditional' sheet styrene (with a balsa wood core for the wings) and part CAD designed and printed parts for the details, such as engine, exhausts, undercarriage, cockpit details.

Built for a former owner of the full-size aeroplane.
 31 July 2024, 12:44
Michael Kohl
Those teasers you threw at us wet the appetite for more. I fully second Bughunters request.
 31 July 2024, 13:14
Dieter Bihlmaier
Hi Iain, will I see the model in Telford?
 31 July 2024, 13:53
Iain Ogilvie Автор
Hi Dieter - I would have to borrow it back from the person I built it for - so will possibly be at Telford, but not sure at this stage.
 31 July 2024, 15:29
Bernhard Schrock
That's „true" modeling! Great result & execution. Chapeau! Could you add some WIP pictures please?
 31 July 2024, 15:45
Robert Podkoński
 31 July 2024, 17:17
How did you make ribs on the wings?
 31 July 2024, 17:56
Iain Ogilvie Автор
Thanks for your kind words Bernhard and Robert - appreciated!

I've just uploaded some 'in-progress' images - I may have more which I'll add if I find them.

I'll be taking some studio shots in next few days.
 31 July 2024, 18:01
Pietro De Angelis
 31 July 2024, 19:14
Great work!!👍🏻
 31 July 2024, 20:54
Alex K
Respects.... 👍 👍
 2 August 2024, 02:31
Danumurthi Mahendra
Insane level of craftmanship
 2 August 2024, 03:13
Michael Kohl
Absolutely. Thanks for sharing the in work pics.
 2 August 2024, 09:02
Iain, were the wings repurposed from another kit or did you vacuform them? How did you make ridges so perfect on the wings?
 2 August 2024, 11:41
Iain Ogilvie Автор
Hi Skyhiker - that's an easy one - and quite an old technique. The wing cores are carved from balsa wood - takes minutes. A single sheet of thin styrene is then cut to suitable size to wrap around the balsa core. The positions of the ribs (and any other details) are marked on the *insides* of the styrene wing skins using a pencil - working from plans - and then gone over using a biro/ball-point pen along a steel straight edge using sufficient pressure to form the 'raised' rib feature on the outside. Skins are then bonded to the balsa core using epoxy - and cyanoacrylate/superglue on some of the edges. It's a really simple, and quite satisfying, process.
 2 August 2024, 12:41
Iain Ogilvie Автор
Thanks, again, for all your kind words - really appreciated - I never think anything is quite 'good enough' - so the feedback is really encouraging. Yesterday I removed the windscreen as I wasn't happy with it - and also have to replace the 3D Printed tail skid as it's broken for a second time - modifying the design of that to allow for a metal core - as I did with the main undercarriage legs. Have fun!
 2 August 2024, 12:44
Thank you very much for all the additional pictures of the build phase! And you lucky one own an ALPS printer 👍 I hope your supplies will last forever.
 2 August 2024, 20:24
Erik Off
Scratch?! Impressive! 😮 👍
 2 August 2024, 20:28
Very impressive - and beautiful - indeed!
 3 August 2024, 08:18
Iain Ogilvie Автор
Have just added some 'studio' shots for anyone interested.
 10 August 2024, 14:50

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