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Thomas Kolb
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37 снимки
Tupolev Tu-2 'Túzok' - ICMView album, image #37
Top surfaces sprayed Tamiya XF-89 Dark Green, and a few areas between the panel lines carefully oversprayed with the sam...
1:72 Tupolev Tu-2S post war service (SabreKits SBK7035)1:72 Tu-2 (KV Models 72073)
47 16 August 2024, 11:54
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat, of course!
(Perhaps the transparencies and propellers from this kit would work:
Soviet Tu-2 Bomber (HobbyBoss 80298, 1:72))

 16 August 2024, 16:04
Thomas Kolb Автор
Thank you Robert! The three-bladed standard propellers in the kit are actually fine, it is the transparencies I am a bit worried about.
 16 August 2024, 16:12
Łukasz Gliński
Me 2, must watch this - wondering how good/bad this kit is
 16 August 2024, 20:57
Dave Flitton
 16 August 2024, 21:00
Me 3, this will be another great build to follow.
 17 August 2024, 05:39
Me 5!
I still don't understand why they haven't released a more updated tool for this model yet.
 18 August 2024, 18:04
Moreno Baruffini
Thomas, you are a specialist in reminding me the models I started and non finished (yet)! Super inspiring, and a great build to follow for sure!
 18 August 2024, 19:43
Thomas Kolb Автор
Dear friends, thank you for your interest. I am a bit curious myself how this model will turn out - I have read some pretty nasty things about it in reviews, but I am not sure it's so bad. It certainly looks very intricately designed, not your usual shake 'n' bake kit for sure.
 18 August 2024, 19:49
Gergő Takács
Thomas, you are doing always the same project what I want to do in the future with the same kits. 😀 I'm always taking a seat and save your work for motivation.
 19 August 2024, 15:20
I'm in
 20 August 2024, 20:04
Łukasz Gliński
Thomas, your tutorial is priceless! 👍
 20 August 2024, 20:53
Mr D
Like this 👍👍
Big fan of soviet n russian stuff, will have to look up history on this one as new to me.
Interesting subject, Nice 😁
 21 August 2024, 18:26
Good start, Thomas. Thank you so much for your tutorial 👍
 21 August 2024, 19:28
Thomas Kolb Автор
I must say, I am pretty impressed with this kit so far. At first sight it looked like an Amodel kit, but everything is very cleverly designed and all parts fits together beautifully without any problems. The only gripe I have is with the plastic itself - it's very soft and stretchy and definitely does not like to be sanded.
 23 August 2024, 15:27
Nice start, joining.
 23 August 2024, 17:32
Живко Джаков
I'm here too. I have one in a box and we only see each other with it 🙂
 23 August 2024, 18:13
Great job so far, Thomas 👍
I never bought this kit because I thought it would be difficult to deal with.
 23 August 2024, 19:12
Thomas Kolb Автор
Cuajete, I must say, I am pretty impressed with this kit so far. At first sight it looked like an Amodel kit, but everything is very cleverly designed and the parts almost fall together by themselves without any problems. The only gripe I have is with the plastic itself - it's very soft and kind of stretchy, and all sanding needs to be followed by polishing to result in a smooth surface.
 24 August 2024, 14:11
Thanks, Thomas. I'll have to consider buying the latest ICM box 👍.
 24 August 2024, 18:07
Good progress, Thomas 👍
 1 September 2024, 17:47
Mr D
Looking good 👍, the canopy is fine, be ok when all printed up, fits fuselage well, the canopy on the Revell FW-190 l did was horrendous!! Would be good for bathroom privacy glass 🤣.
What glue do you use to fix canopy??
 1 September 2024, 20:11
Thomas Kolb Автор
Mr D, Thank you! I used regular Revell styrene cement (the blue one with the needle tip). Just added a string of solvent around the fuselage edges and then placed the canopy on. I normallt use water-based cement for transparencies to avoid fogging, but if you are careful, it's not a problem to use solvent based cement.
 2 September 2024, 09:48
Mr D
Brilliant thank you 👍👍
 2 September 2024, 15:39
Thomas Kolb Автор
Using the precut masks would be so much easier if they actually fit the model... But the flight deck glasshouse parts seem to be designed for a different kit, so I am back to using Tamiya masking tape.
 4 September 2024, 05:57
Guy Rump
Looking great! 👍
 7 September 2024, 18:14
I agree with Guy 👍
 7 September 2024, 18:54
Mr D
Always the tedious part !! But looking like nice mask job.
I usually put a masking fluid over joined parts if l can, lve had paint blow under before.. as it doesn't stick to it's self that good.
On the Beriev I'm doing now, l masked most individual windows out, but the big curved window at front was bit fragile!! So I'm going to use my mega fine Nail liner brush to carefully paint frame in.
Like the underside colour, good luck on next steps 😃👍👍
 7 September 2024, 20:09
Mr D
You be fine a quick visual check before paint you be fine.
I wet the tooth pick a little, it prevents scratching n seems to come away quicker.
 7 September 2024, 21:51
Thomas Kolb Автор
Mr D, thank you for the tip! I am not very experienced with these large multi-pane windows, as I usually build more modern aircraft models. I sincerely hope the paint won't blow in under the masks, but I guess I can always repair minor errors with a wooden cocktail stick to remove accidental paint streaks on the glass or a brush to paint any missing or incorrect frames.
 8 September 2024, 07:08
Mr D
Nice, the filling n correction work paid off🖌️👍... coming on 🙂👍
 9 September 2024, 18:54
Great, Thomas! 👍
 9 September 2024, 18:56
Thomas Kolb Автор
I haven't given up on this project, however, I noticed that several of the joins cracked open for some reason (the model is made of some kind of weird plastic that doesn't respond well to ordinary solvent based cement), and in order to repair it, I decided to strip off all the paint to re-cement and re-fill everything. It was an incredibly disgusting process, so I needed to put the model on the shelf of shame for a while so I could regain my strength to restart it again. I have now done all the required repair work, so it's time to prime and spray it again.
 15 February, 22:34
Jennifer Franklin
Late to the party but looking forward to the finish line.
1  16 February, 00:41
Moreno Baruffini
Dear Thomas, I'm sorry to hear this, I hope you can finish this model without any further problems!
1  16 February, 08:04
Ouch, rough kit. Come on Thomas,

Don't give up
'Cause you have mates
Don't give up
We know you can make it good
(Kate bush and Peter Gabriel)
2  16 February, 08:23
Łukasz Gliński
Hope you're going to go back to it as I did with my IAR 👍
Do you mind sharing where the cracks appear, for the sake of future builders?
2  16 February, 09:43
Thomas Kolb Автор
Moreno, Bozo, Łukasz, thanks for your kind encouragement, I certainly intend to finish it! Well, the cracks appeared pretty much everywhere where I had used Tamiya Extra Thin cement. The only places that stick together is where Revell Contacta cement was used directly on the mating surfaces. Capillary action simply does not provide enough solvent to run in between the surfaces, because of the nature of the strange plastic used by ICM. I think they used too much plasticizer in the mixture. Too little and the styrene becomes brittle, too much and it becomes a bit like rubber.
2  16 February, 09:58
Cheer up, Thomas. You can do it! 💪
2  16 February, 19:43
Jennifer Franklin
Hold on there Thomas! Like Cuajete said, you can do it.
3  16 February, 21:55

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