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Rui S
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70 30 March 2015, 14:45
Great scene 👍
 30 March 2015, 16:57
Rui S Автор
Thank you very much for your comment HK 🙂
 30 March 2015, 17:01
Ruslan Sudakov
Pretty vignette! It's very atmospheric. I like this gun!
 30 March 2015, 17:21
Rui S Автор
Thx a lot for your words, Ruslan. Yes it's a nice small one, and very simple to build... 😉
 30 March 2015, 17:27
George Bacon
Wow! Great job Rui 👍👍👍. You made that old kit come alive! It looks like it was a fun little project. 🙂
 31 March 2015, 01:31
Matthias Weiss
Very well done, I especially like the German uniforms! 👍
 31 March 2015, 02:56
Ulf Petersen
I fully agree with George. Well done, Rui! 👍
 31 March 2015, 06:10
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 31 March 2015, 08:30
Rui S Автор
Thank You All for your nice words Mates. Yes George, another old one, like me hehehe (OOB). and yes fun to build and paint. The base was snatched away from a ""beautiful"" porcelain horse hehe. @Mathias, it was my first uniform camo attempt...😉
 31 March 2015, 18:05
Marko Paakkanen
camouflage is painted very good.
in fact, I have not dared try it ... must try some day.
 23 July 2015, 03:37
Rui S Автор
Hi Marko, Thx for your nice words. 👍
It was my first try in that uniforms camo, and I've followed this book:
SCM Book: Waffen-SS uniforms in color photographs
I've now to do it again in my Kfz. 1/20K2s Schwimmwagen guys, and I found in the net a good video about it: Youtube Video
"Try and error" just have to take the courage and practice 😉

 23 July 2015, 09:51
Urban Gardini
Great work mate! Now here's a model that I'd like to see as a new modern kit. I've always liked the cute little 7.5cm light infantry gun.
 23 July 2015, 11:20
Rui S Автор
Thx for your nice words, Mate. Yeah, I really like it too, it's a nice piece for a lot of ideas. 🙂
You have a Verlinden one:


a Tamiya with wooden wheels:


and the DNEPROMODEL from 2009

 23 July 2015, 11:28
Urban Gardini
Yeah, I know of them but a new injection mold wouldn't be bad. The Tammy one isn't that good.
 23 July 2015, 11:36
Rui S Автор
Hun ok, but it as those nice wooden wheels, and I can guess it's better then the ESCI, one? do you think/know if the DNEPROMODE is an old mold?
 23 July 2015, 11:40
Urban Gardini
No, but that one is a resin kit, fairly modern though as it hails from 2009 but I've never done a resin kit before and don't know anything about that one.
 23 July 2015, 11:43
Rui S Автор
I see, the Verlinden one is also resin, and it's a Verlinden so should be a god kit. .I've to try resin too😉
 23 July 2015, 11:47
Urban Gardini
Besides that, the Tammy one is a metal kit...
 23 July 2015, 11:49
Rui S Автор
Yaep 🙂
 23 July 2015, 11:50
John Van Kooten
That is looking really good, Rui! Awesome! The gun and the camouflage uniforms look great! 👍 👍

And I agree, Urban, I too would LOVE to see a newly tooled version of that gun! Preferably done by Bronco or AFV Club because they definitely have high quality artillery pieces down already 🙂
 23 July 2015, 13:56
Rui S Автор
Thx for the nice comment, John. Much appreciated 👍
 23 July 2015, 14:32
Fabian D.
I hear you guys, a newly tooled l.IG would be nice, but if so, please with a new crew.
Still, nice work with that what´s available at the moment, Rui.
Have you done anything (in terms of modding) with the figures? Judging from the boxart they seem to be included here aswell: scalemates.com/kits/186184-i..425-5cm-pak-38-with-servants
 23 July 2015, 15:13
Rui S Автор
Thx again mate. 🙂
If I remember, I include in this, 2 and a half figures from the kit, and one figure an some arms from a different box:

I've also the 5cm. Pak 38 with servants (Italeri 6425, 1:35) and yes the figures look the same as the Esci kit 🙁 or maybe also from this one:

It would be also nice some decals for this:

 23 July 2015, 15:28
Fabian D.
Well, as it seems Italeri got hold of the a lot of those Esci moulds... that´s why they pop up from time to time in different combinations...
 23 July 2015, 16:06
Rui S Автор
Did you mates notice how much angular the tyres are? 👎 And I remember sanding them in the edges in a angle but feared that if I continued they would lose the tire profile.
 24 July 2015, 01:11
M.Julian Marles
Yeah a bunch of Italeri figures were originally ESCI. The rest were Heller and Peerless Max with really a few being Italeri's own design 😛
 24 July 2015, 03:12
nice! Love it when the modeller grabs an old discontinued model and make piece of art.
 24 July 2015, 08:57
Rui S Автор
Hello M.Julian, Thx for the info.😉
Hi, Cortex, Thx for your nice comments, much appreciated 🙂
 24 July 2015, 11:26
Kerry COX
Rui, a touch of class mate, and the pole and wires is exactly the key to it all. 🙂 👍
 24 July 2015, 11:35
Rui S Автор
😄 Hi Kezza, thanks for your nice and concise opinion. Much appreciated coming from you Mate 👍
 24 July 2015, 11:42
Choppa Nutta
nice 🙂
 24 July 2015, 11:57
Rui S Автор
Thx, Mate 🙂
 24 July 2015, 12:01
Kerry COX
You deserve it Rui. 😉
 24 July 2015, 12:28
Eugene PanzerBabay
Good job
 16 May 2019, 06:18
Holger Kranich
The uniform camo looks extremely well! Great work, Rui!
 16 May 2019, 07:14
Rui S Автор
Hi, Eugene and Holger.
Thank you, for your kind words.
Much apreciated. Especialy coming from such talented modelers.
I'm really glad you liked this One.
 16 May 2019, 19:40
Chris W.
Love it! And great title too
 25 May 2019, 17:54
Rui S Автор
Thank you for your nice comment, Chris
Really glad you like it 🙂
 25 May 2019, 20:39
Clint Mecham
Like it! Very well executed.
 26 May 2019, 22:27
Rui S Автор
Thank you Clint, Much apreciated. Glad you liked this One.
 27 May 2019, 18:48
Where do you get the wooden base from? Been looking to get into basing my models but can't find a good base for them.
 1 October 2022, 14:38
Rui S Автор
Hi oaoaoa.
Can't help you here.
This was Just one more of my improvised solutions.
It came from a base of a porcelain white horse with a rider (maybe Napoleon) statue offered to my father.
I don't remember if with his permission or not I got reed of the statue and replace it with my work 😄. Either way I'm sure he didn't mind.
Nevertheless I know some hobby shops sell worden bases like this one:


Hope it can help 😉
 1 October 2022, 16:20
 1 October 2022, 23:57
Alan G
@oaoaoa The wooden bases can be bought from shops that make trophies or easily on ebay
 2 October 2022, 08:54
Alan G
Rui. This build turned out stunning. The figures look fantastic. The uniforms are spot on. I love it
 2 October 2022, 08:55
Another oldie brought to life in a realistic scenery ............
 2 October 2022, 10:01
Rui S Автор
@Alan thank you very much for stopping by and comment with such kind words. This is an old work, but like all my projects I enjoyed it a lot.
@Neuling thank you also for stopping by and comment. I'm very glad you think so and like it.
I also Wich to thank All the 26 mates that liked this album. Apreciated.
 2 October 2022, 11:59
Nice diorama 👍
 16 June 2023, 21:06
I always loved that kit after seeing it done in Military Modeler magazine in the 80s. That looks great Rui!
 16 June 2023, 22:06
Jean-Michel Tilquin
Very well done Rui, congrats!
 17 June 2023, 09:38
Rui S Автор
Thank you all my friends. Glad you like this oldie. I Apreciate your comments
 17 June 2023, 22:02
Mr James
Another great little dio. Love the camo painting
 17 June 2023, 22:29
Guy Rump
Great build and dio. 👍
 18 June 2023, 06:36
Chris Perkin
 19 June 2023, 04:38
Rui S Автор
Thank you mates. Really appreciate you stopping by and comment, and also very glad you like this one.
 21 June 2023, 22:42
Anthony lfk
Outstanding !
 10 March 2024, 08:03
Rui S Автор
Thank you so much Anthony, for your kind comment. Glad you like this oldie.
Apreciated. It's a far from perfect Kit but one thing I recall disliking was the tires shape that I tried to round on the edges. 🤔
@ J35J, thank you for your like.
 16 March 2024, 14:58
Great paintwork on the uniforms.👍🏻

 16 March 2024, 18:14
Rui S Автор
Thank you J35J. Glad you stoped by and commented. Much apreciated.
 17 March 2024, 12:36
John E
Yes, that's super intricate work on the uniforms. Very nice work!
 18 March 2024, 15:02
Rui S Автор
Thank you John E. Glad you liked that. I really apreciate your comment.
 22 March 2024, 11:57

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