Тема започната от grumpy4263

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24 24 August 2024, 17:28

Made a start on the Ambulance first starting with the underside of the vehicle. 🙂
24 August 2024, 17:34

Underside of the ambulance painted Vallejo Model Air black. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Jan P. 👍
25 August 2024, 16:51

Painted the outside with Vallejo Model Air Dark Earth. 🙂 Next is the inside of the ambulance. 🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes RolfRolf & 1 other mate. 👍
27 August 2024, 16:12

Internals of the Ambulance now painted Vallejo Model Air Dark Earth and Hataka Khaki Green 3. 🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Mr D, JK, Alex R, Alex K & 1 other mate. 👍
28 August 2024, 16:01

Wheels and bonnet etc on. 🙂 Ready for decals and then to move on to the fire tender.🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes J35J & Villiers DV. 👍
31 August 2024, 16:42

Made a start on the fire tender. Black for underside, start of chassis Hataka Khaki Green No 3. A second camouflage colour will be added at a later date. 🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Kyle DH, Pietro DA & 1 other mate. 👍
1 September 2024, 15:26

Wheels and ancillaries added. Additional camouflage colour added, Hataka Dark Green No 4. 🙂 Next will be the final decals for the ambulance and the figures supplied with the set. 🙂
I remember building at least one set David but then painted the fire tender red. Having done a little research, for late Battle of Britain, I decided to paint it green and dark green more in keeping with tenders from that time. 👍
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Bernd G. 👍
12 September 2024, 15:22

Decals on and figures supplied painted. I now declare this one completed. I painted the fire tender in non prototypical colours as it was a post 1945 vehicle. For the purposes of my dios etc. it is a 1940 tender painted in AFV 1940 colours of Khaki no 3 and Dark Green no 4. 🙂
Many thanks for your kind comment Tcamp, I appreciate it. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Tcamp & Jeff F. 👍
15 September 2024, 15:09

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Jonathan S, Ben M & Patryk S. 👍
18 September 2024, 15:04

They Built the B&P defiant just down the road from me, My grandad worked next for to Dowty Bolton Paul at Marston Palmer they made self sealing file tanks there.
I walk my dog on the old Pendeford airfield, they have an RAF plaque on the path there. Also in Tettenhall Wolverhampton there is a little museum dedicated to the Wolverhampton aircraft industry....very small but interesting.
Like the Diorama.... Definitely need an abundance nearby if crewing a Defiant 🤣
20 September 2024, 21:37

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Randy K, SM, Jeff, Franck D & Franck G. 👍
Many thanks for the kind comment and information Mr D, it's greatly appreciated. 👍
22 September 2024, 15:10

Many thanks mate for your interest and like NLAWScametovisit. 👍
26 September 2024, 15:33