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Тема започната от Templar1099

Mathias Decommere
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61 снимки
The calm before the storm (Eve of TET 1968)View album, image #60
Проект: Vietnamwar_gb2024
53 1 September 2024, 18:19
Guy Rump
Looking great, following. 👍
 12 September 2024, 14:33
looking forward to seeing more of this project👍.my uncle(5th SF) was in country just after TET and one of the few things he ever... spoke of more than once, was about riding on top of a M113 that rolled over a mine
 12 October 2024, 18:07
Mathias Decommere Автор
Thank you Mona, that must have been a terrifying experience. The idea would be a fortified position in the Mekong Delta. I'm planning to build a sandback bunker and a piece of ricefield. The M113's will be stationary in a defensive position. Soldiers will be relaxed not knowing what is coming. But the layout is still evolving. Haven't decide the size of the groundwork yet. I'll be starting the diorama base soon... Will be continued 😉
 13 October 2024, 08:21
Looking forward ........
 13 October 2024, 09:18
vehicles look really good, looking forward the rest of the dio
 13 October 2024, 23:05
Kim Branders
Love the dusty look.
 5 November 2024, 10:09
Mathias Decommere Автор
Thank you Neuling, Spanjaard and Kim! I'm starting the diobase this week!
 5 November 2024, 10:35
Mr James
Looking good Mathias. Lovely work on the M113's. What did you use as the 50 cal casings?
 5 November 2024, 12:09
Mathias Decommere Автор
Thanks Mr James, I used simply the copper of an electric wire. An idea I got from lasercreationworld. It is a bit too narrow, but the overal impression works I think.
 5 November 2024, 20:17
Rui S
The vehicles turned out great 👍
 9 November 2024, 03:01
Thomas E.
Very nice looking vehicles, above all the interior; also the entire scene - I'm very curious about this diorama.
 13 November 2024, 10:40
Mathias Decommere Автор
Thx Rui and Thomas E.! I hope it turns out as I am imagening it!
 13 November 2024, 15:24
Mark Sherwood
Progress looks good Mathias, looking forward to the end result.
 8 December 2024, 07:03
Michael Kohl
Following too.
 8 December 2024, 08:10
Shar Dipree
Looks great so far. Following.
 8 December 2024, 08:40
Pietro De Angelis
Great subject, good work Mathias!
 8 December 2024, 10:41
Mathias Decommere Автор
Thank you for the support guys!
 8 December 2024, 12:06
This is starting to look spectacular!
 9 December 2024, 15:48
Thomas E.
completely agree with him!
 9 December 2024, 15:53
Kim Branders
Knap Mathias.
 9 December 2024, 17:15
Ben M
 11 January, 01:08
Stuart Fowle
Looking good, following 🙂
 11 January, 09:59
Thomas E.
you may find this helpful (I hope so 🙂): data.opendevelopment..tnam-.compressed.pdf (5.11.2024)
 12 January, 13:30
Mathias Decommere Автор
Wauw! That information is very specific! Thanks!
 12 January, 17:48
I like the palm tree leaf. Did you make it yourself?
 15 January, 09:18
Mathias Decommere Автор
I did, another 79 to go...😅
 15 January, 14:39
Nice work. What did you make out of, paper?
 15 January, 15:05
Pietro De Angelis
Good "gardening" work then Mathias,
you will have all my comprehension!🤗
 15 January, 15:32
more details about the palm tree please 🙂
 15 January, 21:13
Mathias Decommere Автор
I'm experimenting with a thermoplastic called Worbla. This leaf was manually made. Next try is to lasercut it. If this is possible, the possibilities will be endless!!
 16 January, 09:52
I've not heard of Worbla before. This is an interesting video about using it:
Youtube Video
3  16 January, 11:17
Mathias Decommere Автор
I used it for my other artwork: instagram.com/artrop..gsh=OWh4c2Jyd2Vqamgy

1  16 January, 12:02
Mark Sherwood
Looking good Mathias, like the bag work on the outpost. 👍🥸👍
 17 January, 05:35
nice yo see those old Verlinden being still usted in a dio 🙂
 24 January, 22:56
Rui S
Nice progress 👍 Keep it coming
 1 February, 13:52
OMG - I'm so glad I saw this. The M113s are simply stunning! The Dio is really shaping up to be a killer as well - don't know how you havent\'t gone crazy building the palm leaves, but wow!!!!
 1 February, 14:53
Mathias Decommere Автор
@CaptGPF, thanks man! I cheated a bit on the palmleaves. I lasercutter the leafs in a thermoplast sheet, but there is still a lot of finalising to do offcourse. I don't think this method has been tried before... Also thank you Rui!
 1 February, 21:53
cheated? i certainly disagree. you did a great use of what you have at hand. why should you buy the same stuff as aftermarket if you can make your own? 😉 great job
1  1 February, 22:21
Totally agree with Spanjaard - it's not cheating if you make it yourself. Making kits doesn't mean you have to suffer if a more efficient way can be used!
 2 February, 16:10
Mathias Decommere Автор
Thanks for the approval guys! Very excited to see the end result
 2 February, 18:44
amazing work ..mad skills, Mathias
 7 February, 19:43
Mathias Decommere Автор
Love your comment Mona!
 8 February, 11:24
Looking excellent so far. The palm trees are the most realistically modelled ones I've seen.
 20 February, 17:07
Pietro De Angelis
Beautiful and realistic palms, masterpiece!
 20 February, 17:22
amazing job on thiae palm trees
 20 February, 20:21
Mathias Decommere Автор
Thanks for the encouragement you guys!
 21 February, 11:40

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