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Тема започната от littleblackbear

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13 7 September 2024, 14:45
Mr James
Great effect. Is that salt you've used
 7 September 2024, 16:09
littleblackbear Автор
Thanks a bunch. It's heavy chipping fluid on top of a black base coat, that I sprayed a highly diluted white overtop. Then chipped the heck out of it.

Unfortunately I'll be reworking a lot of this as I need to do some additional work to distort the gear on top and remove the rubber around the wheels and return rollers. But that's part of the fun of these destroyed kits; they're easily reworkable, and it's hard to truly mess up. 😂
 7 September 2024, 17:25
Mr James
Ah I see. Its looks like a fun build. A good point about the rubber wheels. the idlers would at least caught fire. It looking damn good so far.
 7 September 2024, 17:36
Rui S
Looking Great 👍 I'm in 😎
 9 September 2024, 22:29
Dietmar Bogatzki
Great paintjob and weathering 👍
 14 September 2024, 06:42

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