Тема започната от Skorzak

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10 22 September 2024, 00:09

Want to build this kit myself, do you recommend it? (By the way your build looks very nice, love the dust effects)
1 December 2024, 12:18

This kit is very much older than I am, it dates back to 1965. Therefore it is in some cases very simple and not accurate. The additional tools are half molded, some parts of the exhaust-system are missing. The Calliope part is a newer sprue from 2009 and looks better. I found an article from a modeller who modded this kit enormous. As I have an additional Sherman (with the LCM landing vehicle) I will try to improve my next Sherman in some details:
I like those old kits, they remind me from my childhood, therefore I can recommend it. If you like exact modern kits, leave it 😉
Weathering in 1:72 / 1:76 is very often overdone. I try to do just a little bit, so it does not look like fresh from the store. I use Vallejo Air colors and use them with brushes in many layers.
Have fun with this little gem. 😄
1 December 2024, 19:54