Тема започната от fire snail

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40 25 September 2024, 09:46

Wow, you've done one hell of a good job on this. The wear and tear is superb. The excellent details really pop with your weathering skills.
25 September 2024, 13:50

wow 感谢您的点评 这台matv 我在喷涂完补土后 就开始用gw漆绘制的。我没有使用常见的多遍分层的方式来旧化模型而是用了我个人比较习惯的直接绘画方式,我把模型看作成一张立体的画布。我说接触模型制作两年的时间 其中有一年多都是没有目的的乱涂乱画 今年开始感觉找到了自己的方向和感觉。
25 September 2024, 14:02

Thats very impressive work after only TWO years into this hobby. You are very talented and I look forward to seeing more of your work. 🙂
25 September 2024, 14:48

Excellent work fire snail! Two more years and you will be one of the best!
26 September 2024, 03:11

Looks like a bigger scale model. Impressive wear and tear effects. 👍
26 September 2024, 08:38

这台车在细节上 确实花费了不小的功夫 我希望的是制作出那种非常缺失养护的车体 因为长时间的暴露有的锈蚀已经被灰尘遮盖 同时也有新的锈蚀出现 如果大家能感受到 我觉得在这一点上我就做成功了😅
26 September 2024, 09:36

That's the level of model making skills I will never achieve. Beutiful!
26 September 2024, 09:57

Thank you to my friends for their support and recognition. I will continue to work hard to complete future productions.☺️☺️
29 September 2024, 03:07

哈哈 你是我目前遇到的第一个同胞 感谢你的支持和肯定呀☺️ 我接触模型时间不长 这两年的瞎折腾让我意识到只要把模型绘制当作绘画来理解 确实能轻松不少😅😅
29 September 2024, 03:36