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Тема започната от dexigoodchild

Dexi Goodchild
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26 снимки
ICM 35515 ZiL 131 View album, image #26
Another filter, I think this one worked better than the previous one maybe.
1:35 ZiL-131 (ICM 35515)1:35 Feat of Divers (ICM 35906)1:35 Plastic Barrels & Cans (MiniArt 35590)1+
16 7 October 2024, 11:35
Michael Kohl
 10 October 2024, 15:26
Nice diorama.
 28 October 2024, 09:09
Catches the spirit of 86 ............ 👍
 28 October 2024, 09:17
Dexi Goodchild Автор
Thank you so much! Each time I try something new my little brain expands a bit further! 😎
 28 October 2024, 12:19
Michael Kohl
Turning out well
 28 October 2024, 13:11
Dexi Goodchild Автор
Thanks Michael - going to get the camera out later this week and take some decent photos I hope...    😉
 29 October 2024, 15:17
Alexander Grivonev
Lovely, try also a lower perspective, at eye level of the figurines if you will, looks more natural
 29 October 2024, 15:26
Dexi Goodchild Автор
Thanks for that advice Alexander, when I get the proper camera out later this week I will do! 👍
 29 October 2024, 23:21
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 30 October 2024, 02:35
Jay Dubya
Perhaps try a shot with a sepia filter or just in black & white while you are at it, Mr Goodchild.
Great work - Chernobyl !
 30 October 2024, 07:07
Dexi Goodchild Автор
Thank you Villiers and Jay! And Jay, great suggestion, I've used a couple of filters on my phone to see if I can make it look a bit more 1980s; I think it looks pretty good! 👍
 30 October 2024, 11:23

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