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Тема започната от WhiteGlint

Robin (WhiteGlint)
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5 25 October 2024, 07:48
Curious what paint you used for the flesh tones. Oh, by the way this looks great.
 16 December 2024, 16:45
Robin (WhiteGlint) Автор
Thanks Dave. I used Vallejo acrylic paints. First I painted the parts with Basic Skin Tone 70.815 and then painted Light Flesh 70.928 in thin layers until I thought it looks fine.
 17 December 2024, 14:38
Ben M
👀 what did you use on the water? Looks outstanding
 17 December 2024, 14:41
Robin (WhiteGlint) Автор
Thank you Ben. It was printed in clear resin. I mainly used Tamiya Acrylics: Clear Blue and Clear Green. I don't remember the whole process but where the water is supposed to look deeper I used many layers of paint.

Where the water splashes around her I used fewer layers of Clear Blue. After that I added some layers of Clear Green here and there to give it some variety.
 17 December 2024, 14:59
Ben M
It looks good, robin, well done. I wondered if they were the tamiya clear paints.
 17 December 2024, 16:15

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