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Sukhoi Su-24M Fencer (Zvezda)
The "Fencer" is finished. I like the way it looks. Even with my crooked arms, I couldn't ruin the beauty of this plane.
Проект: Sukhoi Su-24M Fencer (Zvezda)
34 4 November 2024, 13:43

Following! Interested in the quality and experience from building this kit as I have it in my stash as well.
4 November 2024, 13:50

Oh, a Soviet rip off of a F-111. Good old spy days. The Fencer is a cool plane. I have a few that need to be built. Looking forward to seeing yours come to life.
21 November 2024, 21:54

@Skyhiker: I would say that the creators of the Su-24 were "inspired" by the design of the F-111. Approximately like the Seversky P-35 and the Reggiane Re.2000, they are similar, but not exactly copies.
@All: Thanks for your interest!
22 November 2024, 19:08

Quite a nice size model in 1:72 .
Regarding Skyhiker's question? I think the Mig 23 was a very closely inspired by the F-111 l was reading.
Duster.... Is the SU-24 a much larger aircraft than the mig-23 ?
Nice work up to be interesting to follow this one 👍👍
22 November 2024, 20:08

Nice going Duster. I have built the older Dragon/Italeri boxing of this one, nice kit but a bit crude in details.
22 November 2024, 20:46

Mr D. When comparing the Su-24 to the Mig 23 I would say the Fencer definitely comes out on top. The Mig 23 was kind of a flop where as the Su-24 Fencer is still a formidable but outdated weapon. As far as design is concerned the Su-24 is bigger and I would argue better built, but they had different objectives so it's silly to compare.
As far as a comparison between the F-111 and the Su-24 is concerned, they are definitely not carbon copies of one another. "Inspired" by the design of the F-111 is probably a good way to put it as Duster_d said. However I do believe that there was some heavy intelligence infiltration going on that assisted that "inspiration". After all why would you reinvent the wheel when you can focus on adapting things to your specific needs.
23 November 2024, 02:39

Duster_d where was the 559-th Bomber Aviation Regiment stationed? Were they in Poland, Russia, or East Germany?
23 November 2024, 02:55

@Mr D: Yes, the Su-24 is much larger than the MiG-23. Even on the 72nd scale, the Su-24 is 32 cm long, and the MiG is about 23 cm (and the box with the Fencer is much larger, lol). I like that modeling makes it possible to visually compare different aircraft with each other, to understand their dimensions, this is something that it is not always possible to visually "see" in drawings or 3D models.
@Matti Thomaes: Thanks! Yes, the kit is somewhat "rough", but, on the whole, it is not bad.
@Skyhiker: The 559th Bomber Aviation Regiment is located in Morozovsk (Rostov region, southern Russia). I have attached a scan with more detailed information on "my" Fencer from the instructions to the decal kit that I use.
23 November 2024, 05:46

In general, there are many different weapons and pylons in this kit. But hanging cannon containers will not be useful to us, because in reality there was a ban on their use. If we use two fuel tanks, then we have about two tons of "free" weight left, but we cannot take two KAB-500 and two AS-10 Karen, because such a combination is prohibited by "air" and the aircraft does not have enough runway for a successful takeoff. It is impossible to combine unguided and guided weapons in one sortie. And it turns out that there is not much to choose from a large assortment of weapons in the kit.
27 November 2024, 17:49

Guys, thank you for your kind words and likes!
I am very pleased to have completed this project, despite the fact that it happened at a difficult time for me.
3 December 2024, 16:23

Well done Duster 👏 Brilliant job .. looks great
Like the little jeep is it an UAz or Cossack/niva ??
3 December 2024, 19:03

And, once again, thanks guys!
@Mr D: It is UAZ-469 in 1:72 scale.
4 December 2024, 02:56

Thanks Duster 👍 l would like to read-up n build one in future...as l mostly build Soviet subjects 😁👍
4 December 2024, 14:29