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Brandon H
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DAAM Fall NNL 2024View album, image #3
16 15 November 2024, 17:48
Brandon H Автор
More marvelous models on display in the Motor City - please enjoy these builds from the Fall '24 DAAM show!
 15 November 2024, 17:53
Alison Withonel
cool to see what I missed last weekend! I was up in Flint visiting my parents and putting my bike to bed for the winter in their garage.
before i read the entry slip, i totally thought the snowy J10 was one of your builds. And it was super sweet to see that builder's mom's wheelchair accessible van.
 16 November 2024, 03:45
Thanks for sharing!
 16 November 2024, 09:19
Bill Newcomer
Thanks for sharing. I like the story that was with the Dodge van. The multi panel paint job on the lowrider is absolutely amazing!
 17 November 2024, 03:46
 17 November 2024, 07:31
Martin Oostrom
Daam! There are some truly beautiful models out there. Thanks Brandon.
 17 November 2024, 08:23
Shar Dipree
Thanks for sharing!
 17 November 2024, 08:34
Peter Hardy
There is some well executed builds there!
 17 November 2024, 09:36
George Williams
Fabulous photos, thanks so much for sharing.
 17 November 2024, 12:00
Brandon H Автор
Glad you all enjoyed, thanks for checking it out! The Dodge van is another nostalgia build from my buddy Tim. It was also nice to see someone actually build the window van kit rather than throwing it up on eBay for $400!
 17 November 2024, 16:22
István Szücs
Thanks for sharing, I always wonder how many cool truck and cars build on the other side of the Atlantic Sea!
 17 November 2024, 19:26
Villiers de Vos
Thank you for sharing. Very inspiring.
 19 November 2024, 16:37
Brandon H Автор
My pleasure guys!
 20 November 2024, 18:37
Alexander Grivonev
Man, some true gems there, thanks for the report!
 20 November 2024, 19:03

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