Тема започната от Christian Bruer

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39 19 November 2024, 11:39

Back to ship modelling, USS Santee out of the Trumpeter USS Sangamon. I choose Santee for her Ms17 scheme.
Working on the hull and airwing has already started.
Happy Modelling
1 19 November 2024, 11:42

good luck for this interesting build Christian; will follow with interest!
19 November 2024, 15:39

You're welcome Thomas and Spanjaard. Still enough seats in the first row.
19 November 2024, 17:43

Hey Jörg and Thomas, good to see you here in the first row 🙂
19 November 2024, 19:55

Watching as this will be a great show! The little aircraft parts looks impressive - I do not complain anymore about small parts.
28 November 2024, 19:37

So let's have a start. Preparing the model for scratchbuilt and PE details.
Happy Modelling
2 December 2024, 19:39

Welcome David 🙂
WIP on my USS Santee. The kit has some inaccuracies, f.e. hawse pipes in a wrong position. Also a lot of details are missing.
Today's progress, hawse pipes in correct position, framework and bollards added at the bow.
Happy Modelling
7 December 2024, 19:43

Perhaps I am a bit late, but ready to watch this talent show! 🙂
7 December 2024, 19:56

WIP on my USS Santee. More details and scratchbuilt modifications.
Happy Modelling
1 9 December 2024, 20:57

Thank you Hang Li 🙂
Forward elevator is done.
Happy Modelling
12 December 2024, 19:50

WIP on my USS Santee. The forecastle is nearly done. Several modifications were done to give it a more realistic touch.
I start to replace the forward flight deck supports. Trumpeter designed the as a solid section instead of a I-section.
Happy Modelling
1 15 December 2024, 20:39

WIP on my USS Santee.
I replaced the supports below the flight deck. The moulded supports were much to thick and the replacements look much better.
The four flight deck supports on the bow are in place now. All in all it comes together as expected.
Happy Modelling
20 December 2024, 22:04

Nice progress Christian, I like all the scratched additions and replacements you are implementing 👍
21 December 2024, 14:51

Thank you very much Alec 🙂
WIP on my USS Santee.
According to ongoing research the forward flight deck supports needs to be modified.
The forward AA gun plattform has a different shape, therfore I scratchbuilt a new one.
Well, step by step it all comes together.
Happy Modelling
1 23 December 2024, 20:21

WIP on my USS Santee. First PE used fore and aft and more extra details added.
Happy Modelling
1 28 December 2024, 20:29

WIP on my USS Santee. More details added and the sea base started.
Happy Modelling
1 January, 20:32

WIP on my USS Santee.
Today's progress on the sea base. Once I have maeked the contour of the ships waves I start grinding the contours using a round wire brush in a motor tool. It's a bit dusty, believe me, but it gives a good monitoring to create the contours.
Next step sanding using ssnding paper to breake the rough surface a little bit.
Upon disangaging myself from all the dust a first layer of wall paint was added to the surface in a stippling motion.
The stippling motion create a wavy irregular surface. But to get the final result some more layers are needed. It is important not to paint layers to thick to avoid cracking when the paint dries.
At last I cut off the raised contour marking the boot topping and added a new marking using a line marking tool.
Happy Modelling
2 2 January, 20:38

very nice tutorial about the base. happy new year Christian for you and those close to you 🙂
2 January, 20:52

Thank you Spanjaard, same to you and yours - a Happy New Year 🙂
5 January, 19:34

Meanwhile I seperated the AA gun tubs and the catwalks to replace the later with Eduard PE. The bulwarks on the gun tubs are thinned down repsectively replaced by 0,2mm styrene. At the moment I am working to cut of the doors along the catwalks and replace it with oval openings. The openings need to be cutted into the side wall and the plastic from the backside to be thinned out. Unfortunately I missed to do this before I added a lot of details to the flight deck. So carfully working is needed and to keep in mind for better planing next time 😄
2 11 January, 13:19

It has been a while since my latest post, because I was to busy with real work.
Anyhow, I mades some progress, adding the PE catwalks and stairs and start working on the island. I rebuilt the island to make it fit to Santees outfit in late 1942.
Happy Modelling, Christian
7 March, 18:09

Thank you Jan, Alec and bughunter 🙂
Meanwhile I have scratchbuilt the derick, it's supports and a rangefinder and I started adding details along the starbord site of the hull, like support structure below the island and mounts for both antenna masts.
Happy Modelling, Christian
15 March, 11:48

Thank you Jörg, gorby and Robert 🙂
@gorby, same here with the "WOW" noticing all your kind comments 🙂
1 16 March, 09:50

After coming home from our club exhibition this weekend I really look forward to see you and your models in Lingen soon 👍
16 March, 19:37