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Mina Ro
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6 снимки
T-90View album, image #6
Decals are drying, will need to seal it up with matte soon.
1:35 T-90A (Meng Model TS-006)1:35 Airbrush CAMO-MASK T-90 MBT (J's Work PPA5025)1:35 125 mm 2A46M-5 gun barrel (Aber 35L145)1+
34 11 December 2024, 21:35
Clair Greenwood
Lookin really good and I paint in steps too. Im too ham handed to paint everything once it's all assembled.
 12 December 2024, 05:40
Mina Ro Автор
These aber t-70/80/90 barrels with the photoetch fins are not the easiest build. The instructions recommend soldering the fins in place but I used IC-2000 black CA glue. Still, its a process and you really have to take care not to knock them off as you are manipulating the turret while building it out. The thermal sleeve clamps were a lot easier to assemble and tack into place around the barrrel with the same glue. Almost ready to put on the first coat of AK reflective green. I am using the AK Interactive Russian modern AFV colors for this build for the 3-color camo. I used Mr color transparent red for the Shtora-1 dazzler lights.
 14 December 2024, 20:48
Jennifer Franklin
Looking good, I can't wait for the final photos.
 12 January, 05:42
Rui S
Looking forward to see this great build and paintjob 👍 finished and in a base 😉
1  31 January, 20:22
Mina Ro Автор
I have had some problems locating decent diorama bases at reasonable prices. Any leads? My next purchase is probably going to be a decent tall display case with glass so damn dust stops ruining my builds.
 31 January, 20:29
Rui S
Well, I've a collection of photo frames so that I don't need to worry about that.
In Europe we can also buy some cheap chesse or bread wooden cuting bases, on i.e. Ikea or cheap stores...🤔
I have also been saving wooden wine bottle crates for the same purpose.
 31 January, 20:36
David Taylor
 31 January, 20:54
Ben M
As a budget shopper, I buy china cabinets at estate sales to use for model cases, and I'll buy any cheap picture frames I find at garage sales. I have some other hobbies that they are useful for, but as Rui says they're great for making bases as well.
 31 January, 21:36
Desert Marlin
Very nice work!
 1 February, 00:23
Mina Ro Автор
Thanks guys for tips on display cases. I remember back in the day wood glass cabinents were so cheap but now they can cost as high as $1200-$3000. I recently saw a nice 7 foot tall case on Amazon which looks perfect for about $270 so Im going to try one, I am always looking in the used section of news papers too for old pawn shop or jewelry store display case counters.
1  1 February, 22:59
Rui S
I was just replying and trying to help about diorama bases at reasonable prices 😉 the display cases are all other issue. I've made two my self and bought one on IKEA, 80€ plus euros.
 1 February, 23:13
Mina Ro Автор
Ty Rui. I just found some hobby lobby wood bases that are 8x8 or 9x9 that are round and nicely routed. They fit on several of the round resin terrain bases too. They only cost like $3-$5 each. I will look on Ikea for those too.
1  2 February, 05:32
Clair Greenwood
Here in northern Ohio we have Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and Joann Fabrics & Crafts which is great places to pick up wood plaques for a few bucks. Another place to try is Lowes, Home Depot, or any local lumber yard. Theres always scraps available at really cheap prices. If you know someone with a router they can make the nice edging for you. If you're close enough to Cleveland I could even cut and route what you need. It's easy and I've always got some scrap wood in my stash. Usually soft woods but I do furniture and home building projects leaving me plenty of potential display bases. If you ever get into wooden ship models, Michaels is the place to get Egyptian thread that is absolutely perfect for rope lines and stays.
1  2 February, 08:13
Mina Ro Автор
Thanks Clair, I think I am also going to get some paper mache celluclag and try fabricating some of my own terrain. I have noticed that stock resin terrain is pretty expensive so along with hobby lobby wood bases, I am going to try making some of my own diorama terrain. Thanks a bunch for advice.
 4 February, 00:09
Mina Ro Автор
Desert that is awesome work. Great dedication to the IDF defense.
1  17 March, 19:37
Desert Marlin
There comes a time of "tranquility" that will be much deserved. Prophetic, but much deserved...
 17 March, 20:35
Love the weathering! I hope I can do half a decent job on my armor!
 18 March, 01:48

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