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Тема започната от scautomoton

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27 29 December 2024, 10:05
Rui S
I like it, very much 👍
 29 December 2024, 13:28
Mr D
Fantastic 💯%
Brilliant job and display....the runway works amazingly
Will have to build one one day
Nice 👍👍
 29 December 2024, 13:39
Very good work and presentation!
Well done!
 29 December 2024, 15:33
Well done! 👏🏻
How did you fix the Lightning?
 29 December 2024, 16:45
Robert Podkoński
 29 December 2024, 16:49
scautomoton Автор
@Ekki, there is a 1mm steel rod glued into the right-hand wingtip which passes through the backing board, is then bent 90deg and stapled to the board.
2  29 December 2024, 17:06
Jakko ‌
How did you get the motion blur effect on the runway? Is it painted, or made on a computer and printed out perhaps?
 30 December 2024, 11:37
scautomoton Автор
I bought it from Coastal Kits.
1  30 December 2024, 16:54
Mr James
Very well done, great display
 30 December 2024, 17:03
Jakko ‌
> I bought it from Coastal Kits.

Oh! Yes, I see it now when I look at the project — it was hiding behind the "3+" other products used.
 30 December 2024, 18:28

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