Тема започната от Skorzak

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13 3 January, 02:57

Welcome dear audience! I started with the cockpit. Most parts will be almost invisible after the plane is finished. So this is best for testing the decals from IPMS-Austria. They are very very thin and on the other hand I am used to 30 year old decals. But it worked and with Micro-Set they look great. The most I like the seatbelts, because they look better than all the photo-etched parts I have ever seen. I get headache thinking about two other seatbelt-decals still to apply.
Meanwhile go to the toilet and get another drink 'till the show goes on.
5 January, 01:43

Interior is finished. In sparetime I will work on the kit. But still think about my job, that starts again now. I am a teacher - loving my kids and am engaged 24/7 for them. If nothing happens here - I do my fulltime job 😉
2 6 January, 01:51

In Picture 18 you see the two flow fence items on the wings. The port one is white, the starboard one is as the moulding plastic. Guess why? Although I have laminate flooring with no gaps I lost the original part and had to rebuild it. Took me a while.
1 2 February, 01:19