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Work in Progress Junkers F.13 DohleView album, image #12
After the left wall I added the front cockpit cover. On top of it is a clear part - I guess this is the compass. On some...
Проект: Junkers F13 Dohle
1:48 Junkers F13. Early Prod. (MiniArt 48002)
59 14 January, 20:25
bughunter Автор
A while ago I have started the Junkers F.13 from MikroMir, which is on hold because I was not happy with some details and was not in the mood of scratch work to fix things.

Then I had the chance to see the new Junkers F.13 😮 I'm now a proud owner of that damn great kit!
With the finish of the Stearman and the new year I put it on the bench. And after Kenneth had the chance to see this build with his own eyes I should give the other usual followers a chance to see it too.

Made a good progress the last days - a relaxing out-of-the-box build so far 👍 I have seen no other builds here yet?
1  14 January, 20:41
Robert Podkoński
Looks like it is a well designed kit. Watching with pleasure!
 14 January, 20:45
bughunter Автор
Yeah Robert, it is fantastic! As I'm not a tank builder this is my first kit from MiniArt. The plastic is softer then usual, but that is ok for me.
I have read bad things about the fit, but I think it is perfect, at least what I have seen so far. Sometime the fit is very tight - you need to understand how it should be. Add a good amount of ultra thin glue until it fits. So you avoid later problems.
1  14 January, 20:54
That looks great. Lots of detail. I recently saw a YouTube video by Plasmo for this model, which gives a good showcase of this kit: Youtube Video
1  14 January, 20:55
bughunter Автор
One question: Does anyone know any information about the original D-188 "Dohle" (Jackdaw) ? I would like to build this green/black one.
 14 January, 20:57
There are the photos … and then seeing these models (e.g. the Stearman) live. Unbelievable 😳 The F.13 just has to be shown here too. Looking forward to the rest 👍
 14 January, 21:25
bughunter Автор
Thank you very much, Kenneth, for your very pleasant comment!
We were both impressed by this modern kit and its fits.
1  15 January, 08:21
Oh! I didn't realise there was a new Buggy build, and it looks like another interesting one. 🙂
 15 January, 09:09
 15 January, 09:16
bughunter Автор
Welcome mates!
@gorby, You didn't recognise my style? No wonder as there is no scratch work so far 😉
@Marcel Yes, I have seen this video. Not my style of work to glue many parts together and try then to paint them with individual colors. I try it the other way around. May be his way is faster and he get a nice end result.
2  15 January, 16:22
bughunter Автор
The fuselage is closed but I'm a bit torn at the moment because I can't decide whether to build the Junkers with or without wings. The decision has to be made now, as I may have to saw off the wing spar and fit the wing stubs with alternative parts.

With wings it looks more like an aeroplane, but the plane will be quite big for my display case. It will probably just about fit in, but it needs a lot of space.

The kit contains very nicely designed end ribs for the display with the wings removed, but behind them there is a yawning void.
However, this would require a small diorama to make sense, but this makes more work again.

So there are pros and cons to everything. What do you think?
 16 January, 09:16
Lorraine Lin
Wow, the instrument panel looks fantastic, I can even read the needle at this scale. Cannot wait to see more progress😜
2  16 January, 09:48
Robert Podkoński
Both options seem interesting, Frank... sorry, I will not help you decide... 😉
2  16 January, 12:50
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work on the interior.
1  16 January, 13:19
Struggling very hard not to buy this kit as well for my ever increasing stash (because Lima November Decals has made very nice Danish decals), I am personally in favour of a complete aircraft. Disassembled aircraft at least need a very detailed diorama to come across well.
1  16 January, 17:55
Thomas Bischoff
I am definitely in - but a bit disappointed so far by your OOB build - lol. The idea of building it with wings detached is teasing ...
Minicraft promised to bring a Swissair boxing!
1  16 January, 20:08
bughunter Автор
A warm welcome to the new visitors! Thank you very much!
Some progress shown with new pictures - the fuselage is closed now.
@Kenneth I know your feelings. Lately I increased my stash a lot because I can't resist if I see a nice kit of an nice plane. And yes, If I go the way with removed wings I will need a little diorama with figures. I have a little idea ...
@Thomas An OOB build can be relaxing 😉 Please the pics how a removed wing will look like.
 16 January, 21:00
Bernhard Schrock
Very cool project! As usual very precise and filigree work in the cockpit. Leather looks like leather!! Lingen 25 live on board?
2  16 January, 21:02
bughunter Автор
Thanks Bernhard! I hope to have it finished until Lingen.
Found a nice picture (link here do not work) ww2aircraft.net/forum/attachments/junkers-f13-03-jpg.499629
 16 January, 21:13
Christoph Kunz
Ui, you started the next one.
Interior looks great.
1  23 January, 21:33
bughunter Автор
Welcome Christoph!
I will continue here soon, after the short break for the (now finished) Flying Flea 🙂
 23 January, 21:51
With wings of course
1  24 January, 01:21
Hans-Jürgen Haag
👍😍wunderschöner Wellblechesel! Super gebaut!
1  24 January, 07:57
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
I´m in for this one! Even it´s a last row seat i have to follow this. A very promising start 🙃 excited what you are gonna make out of this kit 😁
1  24 January, 08:02
Kyle DeHart
I'm squeezing in at the back next to Thomas. Always a pleasure to see something on the bughunter bench
1  25 January, 01:00
Alec K
Looking for an empty seat… there still is one! Looks like it will another grand show. But no rigging 😢
1  25 January, 15:06
bughunter Автор
Thank you very much to all!
OK, the decision is: with wings! I glued already some supports in, so no way back 🙂
 25 January, 19:40
Moreno Baruffini
What a little jem!!! I just discovered it...Hope there's still room for another follower!
 29 January, 20:57
Ben M
watching the corrugated goodness.
 29 January, 23:15
Kyle DeHart
With wings!! Excellent choice. Although it would have looked very cool either way
 30 January, 04:24
 30 January, 04:36
Was ist los, Frank 😁 Magst Du nimmer?
 21 February, 16:07
bughunter Автор
Yeah, I painted it - but the used green looks much too military for my taste! I tried to fix it with another layer, but ant the end I washed the whole paint away.
MiniArt recommends Tamiya XF-05 for it, much that looks totally different compared to the 3D view in manual.
This week I had the chance to look in the other new MiniArt box "Military Service", the 3D view looks much different regarding the green shade compared to my instructions but the same XF-05 is recommended?!
I need to find a better green or mix my own.
But I will finish the Vega first, as I received today a letter with used spare decals - which fits to my needs 🙂
3  21 February, 16:15
Just finished mine in black and yellow yesterday, can't wait to see yours in green.
1  26 February, 20:55

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