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Bill Gilman
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60 снимки
Avro CF-105 Arrow (Hobbycraft)View album, image #60
24 "no steps" and 20 "walkways!" And those were just the stencils for the walkway lines...
Проект: Avro CF-105 Arrow
1:72 CF-105 "Arrow" Fighter (Hobbycraft HC1393)1:72 Martin Baker Mk.5 Ejection Seat (x2) (Iroquois Models IQM72002)1:72 Avro CF-105 Arrow (Canuck Model Products 72-003)3+
36 18 January, 15:15
Bill Gilman Автор
This is the third generation tooling from Hobbycraft. The first two were pretty bad, but they improved a lot with this one. The size, shape, and profile of the fuselage matches drawings quite nicely. Still, there is room for improvement. Some tips if anyone is building this bad boy:

First, the part numbers in the instructions bear no resemblance to reality. Pretty much anything labelled sprue A is actually on D, and vice versa. The actual numbers are wrong as well, so you really have to pay attention and make sure you have the correct part. How does a company make such a mistake? Second, there is no front coaming. The real aircraft had one, and it's really skinny to fit inside that wedge-shaped windscreen.

Third, in David Winter's build review on ARC, he mentions that the decals for the front and rear instrument panels are backwards in the instructions and should be switched. This would make perfect sense based on the shape and location of the instrument panels as shown in Step #2 being placed into the cockpit. Those locations are, of course, where I glued them. However, the fuselage halves would not join together properly due to interference with these panels, and I resorted to some significant sanding, re-profiling, and modification. It was only after I finished that I realised it's not the decal placement that is backward, it's the location of the panels! What they showed as the front should really be the rear, and vice versa. When I finished re-shaping the rear panel (that I had glued in the front) it looked just like the front panel (that I had glued in the rear). Of course, I then had to modify the front panel glued in the rear to look like the back panel glued in the front prior to my mods. Did you follow that? Look at the panels at lower right in picture 5. Hobbycraft have you use the one on the left in the back, and the other in the front. Now look at my cockpit (after all those mods) in picture 13 - see what I mean?

More to come...Cheers, Bill
 18 January, 15:46
Looks a very interesting project. 🙂
1  18 January, 16:12
Let me fine a chair for this one.
1  18 January, 16:16
Interesting, I'm in.
1  18 January, 18:19
Łukasz Gliński
Wow, the famous last edition by Hobbycraft, as often seen as the yeti - will follow
I'll have to stick to the 2nd edition and need still to source the decals
1  18 January, 18:34
Following 👍
1  18 January, 18:43
Robert Podkoński
Watching for sure!
1  18 January, 18:45
1  18 January, 19:39
Bill Gilman Автор
@Łukasz Gliński - as rare as the Yeti, for sure. I bought the kit when it first came out back in 2012, hoping that it really was a new tooling as stated on the box. Lo and behold, it was! I've never seen it since in any hobby shop. I figured I would take a chance on it, because it's only money, right? Cheers, Bill
 18 January, 20:23
Олег О
What an interesting set. I'll take a look.
 18 January, 21:32
Łukasz Gliński
Lucky you! I envy a lot 👍
I don't think it ever made it to Yurop via official channels
 18 January, 22:02
Bill Gilman Автор
I've added a few more photos. I cut out the inboard flaps as I wanted to have them drooped a bit. I noticed that the cut lines top to bottom didn't align and thought I'd made a big mistake - the bottom hinge line was at a different angle to the top. I taped everything back together to see how big of a fix I was looking at, but everything looks fine (see photos). 3D geometry flummoxes me again! Cheers, Bill
 21 January, 14:11
Ben M
Watching this, a cool project
 21 January, 14:11
Bill Gilman Автор
Hi mates, I've uploaded some more photos that show how I've fixed the issue of the kit having no wing anhedral. Have a look and tell me if I'm crazy or not. Cheers, Bill
 22 January, 22:05
Bernd Korte
Bill, great topic! Have you seen this one? As I understand he offers parts to improve the HC kit, too: britmodeller.com/for..ase/#comment-4787800
 23 January, 12:00
Bill Gilman Автор
@Bernd - Yes, I have been communicating with Zsolt regarding 1:72 versions of his amazing CAD design, specifically the open canopies. He is concentrating at present with the 1:48 scale version since he has many orders for that. He intends to produce a 1:72 version in due time. He is not able to provide the canopies for me at present, since these require more than just 3D printing in order to be perfectly clear. For the larger versions he used the 3D printed parts as masters, polished and clear-coated, and used them to pour clear resin copies.

Anyone with an interest in the Arrow should take a look at what Zsolt has accomplished by following the link in Bernd's post. Cheers, Bill
 23 January, 14:45
Well solved the anhedral 👍
 23 January, 19:06
Bill Gilman Автор
I've added a few more photos. Lots of putty and reworking of parts - fun, fun, fun. Cheers, Bill
1  18 February, 15:02
Well done so far, Bill 👍
1  18 February, 18:36
Watching with interest!
 18 February, 19:59
Ben M
Lots of improvements!
 18 February, 20:48
Hopping in and taking a seat.
You seem on a roll Bill! 👌🏻
1  19 February, 00:06
Dave Flitton
A must watch build!!
1  19 February, 05:27
This looks great already!
 24 February, 19:48
I agree with mates 👍
 25 February, 20:00
Bill Gilman Автор
Man, that took forever to paint white. Once that is good and dry I'll proceed with the rest of the scheme. Cheers, Bill
1  25 February, 23:17
Looking good
 25 February, 23:19
White color looks great 👍
1  26 February, 18:58
Ben M
When I have to paint white or yellow or red or pink I always use tamiya white primer underneath
 26 February, 23:09
Bill Gilman Автор
Hi mates, I've added a few more photos as the painting progresses. Cheers, Bill
1  4 March, 23:14
The paint looks great, Bill 👍
1  7 March, 18:53
Ben M
The orange came out great
1  8 March, 02:39
Michael Kohl
Cool project indeed
 8 March, 09:44
 8 March, 19:15
Bill Gilman Автор
Things are progressing - I've started the process of adding the decals and added a few more photos. Enjoy! Cheers, Bill
 14 March, 12:39
Ben M
Nice stickeration!
1  14 March, 13:39
Great work. The main photo really shows the colours beautifully. This is really going to stand out nicely.
1  14 March, 15:02
Great! 👍
1  14 March, 19:53
Mark K
1  14 March, 20:02
Bill Gilman Автор
Hi mates, I'm adding the stencils, including many from the spares box (like the no steps, etc.) I'll most likely shoot the semi-gloss varnish tomorrow and then finish up the radome. The canopy had its Future bath and is drying overnight. The lower air brakes have been added. We're nearing the end! Cheers, Bill
1  16 March, 22:29

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