Тема започната от grumpy4263

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32 26 January, 19:34

This is the first of two Hawks that I will be building, this is the 81-A-2 as flown by the Flying Tigers by US volunteers in China. 🙂
1 26 January, 19:37

Made a start on this aircraft, the interior colour is Vallejo Model Air US Interior Yellow. 🙂
Welcome CaptGPF & Thomas, great to have you along. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes J35J, Jean, Duster_d & Jun Chung. 👍
16 February, 16:30

Main part of the fuselage put together and wing tops added to the bottom. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Franck G. 👍
18 February, 15:58

Wings and cockpit added to fuselage. 🙂
Welcome Dave & J35J, you're both extremely welcome. 👍
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Franck G. 👍
19 February, 15:23

Tail, engine covering etc. added. Next will be primer and pre-shading. 🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Matti T & 2 other mates. 👍
20 February, 16:22

Looks great 👍 Which colour have you used for the interior? Looks remarkably spot-on for what I've read/seen described as „Curtiss Interior Green".
1 20 February, 19:56

Light grey primer added and then a bit of pre-shading. 🙂
Thanks for the kind comment Kenneth, the colour used is Vallejo Model Air US Interior Yellow. 👍
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Kenneth. 👍
1 22 February, 16:20

Underside painted with Vallejo Model Air Light Gull Gray ANA 620. 👍
23 February, 17:33

Upper side first camouflage colour painted Vallejo Model Air USAF Brown ANA 628. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Zbynek H. 👍
26 February, 16:43

I am in, have started yesterday the same plane but from Trumpeter. 😉 Have a look!
27 February, 15:59

Camouflage green added, 2:1 Vallejo Model Air USAF Green ANA 612 & Vallejo Model Air US Forest Green ANA 631. 🙂
Thanks for the kind comment Thomas. 👍
Welcome along for the ride Edward. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Edward Mc & 1 other mate. 👍
1 2 March, 16:02

Decals now on. Panel lines to be done with a wash and then matt varnish to be applied. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Rui R. 👍
3 March, 16:06

Now completed, thanks for watching. 🙂
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Bozo, Mark K & Alexander R. 👍
12 March, 16:01

Agree with everyone, clean and beautiful. P-40 was the early workhorse and you did it justice
14 March, 04:23