Тема започната от grant dGrant Dalzellдобави нов фотоалбум.10 снимкиRevell 1/48 F-89 Scorpion 17 29 January, 04:30NeulingTop result in spite of the problems you had with the kit. I like the finish very much. 29 January, 10:01Robert PodkońskiI admire your skills and perseverance. Good job! 29 January, 10:46Rui SVery nice work 👍 31 January, 18:14Ben MThe weathering on the nmf looks great. 31 January, 18:19Grant Dalzell АвторThanks guys 👍 1 February, 18:07gorbyWOW! 1 February, 18:10Nathan DempseyThat's a lovely finish. 2 February, 01:17Новини »