Тема започната от grumpy4263

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6 16 February, 15:49

Today I made a start on the BV 141, cockpit painted with Vazllejo Model Air RLM02. Crew added. 🙂
Welcome Matti & Finn, hopefully this strange aircraft will take shape soon. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Lukasz G & Franck G. 👍
9 March, 17:29

I hope that model doesn't cause too much trouble. I've never seen it done so I'm looking forward to it!
1 14 March, 04:28

Fuselage and wings now together. 🙂
I think the main issue will be the amount of transparencies and whether or not they fit sufficiently Djordje. I have dry fitted them and they do seem ok though. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Matt T, Djordje N, Vincent & 1 other mate. 👍
1 16 March, 17:57

I'm in. I love the asymetrical concept of the late 30s and early 40s Blohm & Voss planes.
16 March, 18:11