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95 11 March, 09:32

WOW, WOW and a couple of extra WOW's!
Amazing result Frank. Without doubt the best Golblin model I've ever seen.
I bet Halberd Models would love to use your photos for their marketing.
1 11 March, 09:44

It looks so weird but very nicely done - superb craftmanship 😆
1 11 March, 10:21

Love the photography as well...please post a wide shot of your setup so the lights are shown etc....I am trying to get this look....very dramatic...
11 March, 10:45

Very well built and finished. I wonder how they ever thought this would be a viable fighter.
1 11 March, 11:42

Thank you very much mates!
I added two new pictures with the protection bow and securing fabric belt. I added also dust pigments to the wheels what I forgot before.
11 March, 18:26

Outstanding work in traditional Bughunter style! And done, in what I find, an unbelievable time frame 👍
2 11 March, 18:31

Alec K said it for me. There's nothing to add. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Actually I have something to add - great photos! 👍
1 11 March, 19:04

What a wonderful feedback - Thank you very much to each of you 👍
gorby - your guess was right! It will appear on the Facebook page of Halberd Models 🙂
Yes Alec, I've been working on it all day - 24 hours a day! And because there wasn't enough time, I added the night. 😎 Joking aside, yes I spend a lot of time. And this winter was very warm here without snow/ice, so my airbrush sessions was not blocked by the iced roof window.
2 11 March, 21:43

Of course I had to come over and check out the glamour photos. Beautiful build and wonderful photography, as always. Such a cool build of a really unique subject
1 12 March, 01:15

The photos are well done to show off this stunning and unique build.
1 12 March, 01:38

Frank, you did a great job! I have no choice but to agree with the previous posts. And frankly, when your name appears on a project, we know in advance what kind of result we can expect 😉
Congratulations on the successful completion of this interesting model!
1 12 March, 10:47

Oh boy... I hope I can get my special hobby somewhere near this... a real stunner
1 12 March, 11:34

Excellent work as usual. I still think this is an ugly plane though. Whoever designed it must have been on a bad trip.
2 12 March, 13:34

Another big Thank you all for your kind words!
@Skyhiker The design was made under strict requirements: it had to fit into the bomb bay of the B-36! Therefore folded wings were a must, the multiple control surfaces at the tail as well and of course the hook is the visible area of the pilot. It also needs actuators for the wing and hook, four guns with ammunition and fuel, all of which need space in the short fuselage - so there was no other way than this egg design. The design was good enough to achieve good performance figures - the "only" problem was the strong turbulence from the mother plane, so it was assumed that a normal pilot would not be able to hook on back.
4 12 March, 14:05

That's one of the reasons it's one of my favourite aircraft. It's remarkable they managed to fit so much into such a small aircraft. I think it's an amazing design.
1 12 March, 15:08

gorby, the unique design and the look (together with the carrier) invited me to buy and tackle this kit.
If anyone would like to see this model live - this weekend is your chance! I will be showing it, along with others, at my club's exhibition in Ergolding here:
11. Bayerische Modellbautage (15. and 16. March, Ergolding DE)
It would be nice to see you there!
1 13 March, 17:53

Thank you Bernhard! Coming from a master like you this means a lot!
Do you want to see it on the EME in Lingen?
14 March, 21:50

I absolutely love it. It is such an odd subject but you certainly did it justice.
1 14 March, 22:48

Thank you very much mates!
The little Goblin aroused a certain amount of interest at the exhibition today so it will travel with me to the EME 😉
1 15 March, 19:42

Thanks mates!
Yes Tom, this little jet will be there!
After coming home from our exhibition this evening, I decided to leave my models packed up for the EME in Lingen.
2 16 March, 19:40

It looks like I was the first one who finished the 1:48 version of the kit, so this model is now also on the Facebook page of Halberd Models, together with link to Scalemates 👍 And I got a very very kind feedback. Thanks to the folks at Halberd Models for creating this kit!
2 17 March, 21:37