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Gary Victory
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1:72 Lancaster B Mk.I/Mk.III (Hasegawa 00553)
101 23 January 2020, 12:42
Paul Juliano
Very nice! Look at that clean canopy. =)
 23 January 2020, 12:59
Gary Victory Автор
Thank you Paul.

I used a Eduard Canopy mask set and Humbrol Mask Oil.
 23 January 2020, 13:09
Very impressive work!
 23 January 2020, 19:45
Gary Victory Автор
Neuling Thank you.
 24 January 2020, 07:10
Łukasz Gliński
Niiiiice, wish mine lookd that good (once I build it finally)
 24 January 2020, 08:49
Gary Victory Автор
Łukasz Gliński Thank you.
All i would say is enjoy your builds. You will find you will improve after each build.
 24 January 2020, 12:08
David Deavall
Lovely Job
 24 January 2020, 18:27
Guy Rump
Very impressive build, congrats 🙂
 24 January 2020, 22:15
Stefan Schacht
well done 👍
 24 January 2020, 22:23
Gary Victory Автор
Thank you all.
 27 January 2020, 08:46
Nice job Gary. Congratulations!!. This Lanc is my next one (but Revell)
 26 August 2020, 22:11
very nice Lancaster
 8 December 2020, 09:42
Daniel Klink
Very good result Gary👍
 8 December 2020, 09:50
Agustin Prellezo
Good job!
 8 December 2020, 19:42
Very nice!
 31 March 2021, 07:53
Rui S
beautifully done model, great paintjob and weathering 👍
 31 March 2021, 21:20
Gary Victory Автор
Gents. Thank you for your very kind comments.
 1 April 2021, 06:24
Simon Nagorsnik
Big thing mate! 😀👍
 4 February 2022, 07:57
Nice Lanc, Gary!! I have not seen it before when you have posted it originally. I built the Revell one last year and I think it is the same matrix as your Hasegawa. Congrats my friend! Excellent work!!
 9 February 2022, 13:51
Gary Victory Автор
Simon , Micky thank you for your kind comments. 😉
Micky, yes i remember your Lanc build and you did a great job on yours. 👍
 10 February 2022, 07:49
Charlie Spitfire
wow looks excellent good job
 11 February 2022, 07:15
That is big
Butiful work
I love that plane
 15 March 2022, 09:15
Gary Victory Автор
Thank you Charlie and Jv. Very kind of you.
Jv... i have the 1/48 Tamiya Lanc in the stash.... that will be the Big one 😉👍
 15 March 2022, 13:28
Ok looking forward to see that one
 15 March 2022, 13:55
 15 March 2022, 21:35
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Wow! Great work, Gary! 👍
 1 April 2022, 06:33
James C
That's an awesome looking Lancaster! 👍
 1 April 2022, 15:47
Neil Patrick
Just fabulous! As the Hasegawa Lanc is on my to do list too, do you have any WIP info please Gary?
 2 April 2022, 08:25
Gary Victory Автор
Jv, Skywalker, WhiteGlint, James C and Neil, Thank you very much for your kinds comments.

Neil, Not to much issue getting the kit together has i recall. Just the normal advice, take your time with the test fitting and everything should fit fine. I think the engine nacelles are the only area to watch out for. A little filler on top i think?? Also the interior detail is really thin on the ground, the kit decals for the instrument and engineering panels are really poor. Get a eduard interior set which will look a lot better. Also the decals did break up on me (i think due to age and being stored in the loft). The Wing roundels are painted on has the 1st one just broke up into a million pieces. So using the second one i made up a masking template and used that. Touch ups on the PO-S and fin flashes was required. Otherwise a straight forward build. 😉
 4 April 2022, 06:33
Neil Patrick
Thank you very much for the tips Gary. If my turns out half as nice as yours, I'll be delighted. I will take your advice on the interior and get the Eduard set. I've also invested in some Master 303 barrels which look great. Now all I have to do is summon the courage to start!
 4 April 2022, 08:09
Gary Victory Автор
No worries Neil and thank you, I'm sure you'll a great job on yours.
 4 April 2022, 09:09
That Lancaster is a masterpiece. I love it. I have an old one in my stash from Matchbox. I would be delighted if it turned out half as nice as this one!
 4 April 2022, 10:49
Gary Victory Автор
Thank You Al Berto. I'm sure you'll do a cracking job on your Lanc... 😉
 7 April 2022, 07:22
 3 May 2022, 12:44
David Januska
Beautiful monster. Perfect result 👍. Especially the bomb bay and the bobms are great.
 3 May 2022, 14:13
Gary Victory Автор
Thank you very much Cem and David.
 20 May 2022, 06:20
Paul Moore
Really nice job on this Lanc. Very convincing!
 15 May 2024, 14:11
Paul Moore
Looking at reviews, it seems like if you're not concerned about internal detail, the Hasagawa kit externals look better than the Airfix. Any thoughts?

 15 May 2024, 14:13
Beautiful work!
 15 May 2024, 14:14
Gary Victory Автор
Thank Paul and Gorby. Very kind of you.

Paul, I haven't had eyes on the Aifix Lanc so i can't really make a comparison. The Hasegawa Lanc is really lacking internal detail, the cockpit is just blank with decals to provide the detail which are not very good. I did get a basic eduard etch set to at least make it a little more respectable. Externally i think it looks fine out of the box, the decals gave me a problem but i think that was more down to age.
Overall i would recommend the Hasegawa Lancaster.
Hope that helps Paul.
 16 May 2024, 06:30
Bruce Huxtable
Superb work, Gary. Very evocative of the reality of these bombers, and the courage of the young men who carried out those dangerous missions.
 16 May 2024, 06:38
Gary Victory Автор
Thank you Bruce,

Totally agree, especially today.... 16th May.... 81st Anniversary of Operation Chastise. Least we Forget...🕊
 16 May 2024, 07:03
William Joel
WOW, 1st thing I said when I saw this. Great job, fantastic paint work.
 16 May 2024, 14:32
Pietro De Angelis
 16 May 2024, 16:51
Very impressive model!
 16 May 2024, 17:41
Gary Victory Автор
William, Pietro, Marius Thank you.

Found some of my build pictures in a folder so have added additional pictures.
 17 May 2024, 09:36

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