Тема започната от Bogi

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15 26 April 2020, 08:25

Hi. Did you buy different tracks from those provided in the dragon kit? Nice work by the way!
13 December 2024, 12:26

Tank you Danny. Yes, I used Bronco AB3542, you can see them in project list.
1 13 December 2024, 21:18

You have more perseverance than I do, if you completed those Bronco tracks 🙂
1 13 December 2024, 21:44

Did you not like the 'magic tracks'? By the way you have to glue the magic tracks I believe? Somebody suggested a slow setting glue. Is that the same with the Bronco tracks? Which glue did u use?
14 December 2024, 10:30

The Bronco tracks are hard to build. They consist of two pins moulded together, to which you have to glue the guide horns and then trap them between the halves of two blocks to make an articulated track. The pins are fragile and break if you're not careful, glueing on the guide horns is tricky because they're tiny, and you have to be careful with the glue so you don't accidentally glue the pins to the blocks. And all this comes after you've cleaned up a ton of parts.
I much prefer AFV Club, Panda Plastics (alas, now defunct) or even MiniArt Sherman tracks when it comes to building them.
1 14 December 2024, 11:59

Danny, sorry for late reply. I make my glue and I can mix it to dry slower. I painted tracks on the sprue, glued them together, weathered them and installed on the model before they were totaly dry. I don't remember why I used Bronco ones instead of Dragon.
2 15 December 2024, 23:19

I always feel so inadequate on this site. You people make glue. Scratchbuild. Write books on AFV paint schemes, etc. I make models. Poorly. 😂
15 December 2024, 23:38

I have a few miniart kits now and I think at least one has individual tracks. It's hard to keep up with all the kits I've bought! Have a stug III with interior, Stuart 'honey' with interior (these 2 will be the final builds because I'll need to learn a lot before i attempt them and a Mirage Vickers 6ton and Hobby boss 38(t) with separate interior. I also have a miniart Grant MK II. So far they seem to be the best kits I've personally seen. The Minart and Border models too. I've not seen any Ryefield or Takom kits but I've heard they're very good too?
15 December 2024, 23:47

> I make models. Poorly. 😂
We all started at that point. Some people forget this about themselves, though 🙂
1 16 December 2024, 09:48

Well, making models poorly is a blessing. Learning how to make them right is a fun part. I made my first model when I was 5,. I am 52 now and I would give all my skills for the drive, motivation and fun I had back in my early modeling days. So, take your time, enjoy, explore...
I made only one Takom model, 0 RFM, so I can't judge about their quality.
4 16 December 2024, 10:08

Another top build from your bench. Excellent detailing and paintwork, moderate weathering. 👍
1 16 December 2024, 10:47

I must admit, having the right tools is a massive advantage. My father wasn't a very practical man and had almost zero technical knowledge so I didn't have that stuff taught to me, like many do and our rare attempts at model building, using tubes of cement was a real mess. I bet many of you, even now, would struggle if your only glue was those horrid tubes! Lol
They would invariably have massive amounts of excess glue coming out the seams, frosted, fingerprint covered canopies, thick paint with no line demarcation, etc. you know, a bit like what I produce now! 😂
In all seriousness I really appreciate all the help you fellas give me. A lot.
1 16 December 2024, 13:59