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Тема започната от kits_kitz

Kit Headley
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21 снимки
MoquitosView album, image #1
Проект: Mosquito Ideas
1:72 De Havilland Mosquito B Mk.IV/PR Mk.IV (Tamiya 60753)1:72 De Havilland Mosquito - wheels set (ResKit RS72-0240)1:72 De Havilland Mosquito B.XVI (Airfix A04023)2+
10 8 January 2021, 19:52
Stefan Schacht
curious 🙂
 9 January 2021, 23:25
I never knew that Mosquitoes were raced
 9 January 2021, 23:54
Charlie Spitfire
me too they must have been good for a short time because this is the first time i have herd about them raceing
 27 November 2021, 06:05
Charlie Spitfire
must have been before the war and racing was stopped for combat aircraft
 29 January 2022, 08:32
Stefan Schacht
Hi charlie, here are some information about the this plane goodall.com.au/austr..8/civilmosquito.html
 29 January 2022, 09:57
Charlie Spitfire
wow thanks i ones saw in a magasen that there were raceing p-38s
 29 January 2022, 10:07
Robert Podkoński
Racer plane! Of course I am in! 😉
 29 January 2022, 10:35
Kit Headley Автор
Thanks Stefan! That's an awesome link.
 30 January 2022, 01:28
Alex K
Great work on this Mossie racer... coming along real nicely! 👍
 1 June 2024, 12:13

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