Тема започната от McCoy

Now we need to get the ALAN kit to the database as that one is the original that is boxed in this box by Dragon.
24 January 2012, 00:35

You're right. ALAN Kit is added and linked with the Dragon kit. As soon as the admin approves it, link should be seen...
regards from Nuremberg
24 January 2012, 16:40

Nice! Do you know if the Maquette kit is the same as this one? I've had the Maquette SU-76 once but I sold it as fast as I could, that was probably the worst kit I've ever laid my hands on.
24 January 2012, 18:11

Well, if the armour is down to scale, the Alan SU-76 would have had armour like a Tiger tank. The hull plates are 2-3 mm thick. Well, there are better kits of the SU-76 now, but at tat time...
24 January 2012, 18:21

It sounds like the Maquette kit I was unfortunate to get hold of.
24 January 2012, 18:54