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115 21 July 2021, 10:17

Following. Great looking cockpit. I am making the same.kit, but the hungarian version. Good luck!
21 July 2021, 20:29

Very nice! How was the fit of the resin cockpit? Is it going to be a Slovak version?
1 August 2021, 06:11

Thank you everyone.
Hi Palo, the fit was nearly perfect, i'm really impressed ! It's going to be a Luftwaffe version 🙂
1 August 2021, 12:16

Ah, the box of paints confused me. Good to know about the cockpit. Did you consider the Zvezda kit? Was the trumpeter better?
1 August 2021, 13:13

I read that both kit had their pros and cons, but both are a good base, I quote : "the Mig-29 Zvezda is the most accurate in terms of reproduction of shapes while the Trumpeter model offers a more complete engraving and more details overall but has some small errors in shape."
2 August 2021, 15:49

Cool ! I was in Luftwaffe Fulcrums' former airbase at Preschen last summer 🙂 Following !
4 October 2021, 11:27

Very nice painting and great editing so far! 🙂
Having these two kits to build (Zvezda and the Trumpeter) I completely agree with you on the pros and cons on these kits. 😉
Following ! 😉
4 October 2021, 12:37

Paintjob looks great, as does the decaling as well. Looking forward to the final reveal! 👍👍
23 October 2021, 01:05

Thank you mates ! new WIP photos are coming today (oil based washes)
23 October 2021, 09:27

Beautiful. That ca.o looks grand. Nice touch with DDR tail number 👍
13 November 2021, 20:52

1:72 you say?! 1:1 I say! Some absolutely exquisite detailing. A beautiful result. 👍
14 November 2021, 12:03

Thank you very much for all your appreciations guys ! Merci beaucoup 🙂
14 November 2021, 13:12

Awesome reveal and superb work on the engine nozzles! Truly a great looking model! 👍👍
14 November 2021, 14:43

superb model, well presented and Thank you for sharing the different stages of painting and weathering
14 November 2021, 18:46

petite question: j'ai un set similaire de peinture "water base" Hataka pour le camouflage 3 tons du Su 34, avec quel additif/liquide l'avez vous diluer ?
les feutres W.N utilisés pour les effets d'hydrocarbures du moteur sur la photo 49 donne un résultat spectaculaire (même si il y a certainement du métier dans l'application aussi) quelles teinte suggérer vous ?
14 November 2021, 19:23

Salut Juskifo, les teintes Hataka ont été diluées au X-20 Tamiya. Les feutres W.N et Faber Castell utilisés sont les suivants : Terre d'ombre naturelle, Cold Grey 233, green gold 268, raw umber 180, walnut brown 177. Les deux marques proposent des dizaines de teintes qui peuvent s'adapter à tous les besoins, il faut aller voir en magasins d'art et tester les teintes qui peuvent convenir au projet ou à l'effet recherché. La patine aux feutres doit s'effectuer sur une base satinée, les coulures peuvent être tirés ou fondu avec des pinceaux légèrement imbibés d'eau.
15 November 2021, 12:46

Je pense que les autres camarades ont déjà tout dit, alors je dirai juste un mot : félicitations pour ce beau fulcrum 👍
16 November 2021, 10:26

Outstanding build. I really appreciate the detailed step by step log, definitely saving this one for future reference 👍
5 August 2024, 15:04

Thanks for your comments, however I'm not entirely satisfied by my paintjob on this one.
In particular, sandy and light green paint are too light.
6 August 2024, 05:03

Great! Really beautiful "29"... like your colours. Mig UB is slightly diffrent. Buuuut the Iron Cross has to be changed to hammer and compasses 😉 I like your MiG
7 August 2024, 11:43