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11 снимки
Fantasy Miniatures
2022 November
3D Print- Bestinarium Miniatures
A mix of "Bio Shock`s" Big Daddy and somthing like Steampunk?!
Проект: Miniatures
60 11 August 2021, 18:13

Great Paintjobs and Basework! 👍
In December, I'm traveling to Augsburg for Roman Lappats advanced-workshop. 🙂🙂🙂
11 August 2021, 20:38

much thanks torsten, you´ve some nice items too
your steampunk fish submarine looks very interesting 😁
11 September 2021, 11:55

Thx Chan!
These works are still from 2020.
Before I switched back to model sector, I was "on the road" for a while and once again;) in the tabletop genre.
7 April 2022, 14:56

One of my friends likes these figures so much and he wants me to paint a gargoyle for him, I got kinda stuck… I just can't make it such good as you guys did
7 April 2022, 14:58

I also had to take a lot of setbacks before I achieved something that I found okay myself.
And after many years, my work still does not reach the "masters";)
But I think that's the good thing about our hobby, that you can still improve and have to work on yourself.
7 April 2022, 15:04

Haha, reminds me of ancient blades master here.
They were always on the way to find people who could beat them with sword, cuz only in that way their skills can improve.
7 April 2022, 15:09

Thanks to Lena for your encouragement 😁
@Chan: I actually meant related to our hobby- you know: scalpel blades 😂
7 April 2022, 16:48

Latest update in this album- After a long break, once again a miniature!
And this time not in 1/72 😆
12 November 2022, 18:15

Спасибо за похвалу!
Thank you too Villiers!
Looking forward to your comments!
15 December 2022, 18:03