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Björn Svedberg
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46 снимки
Ta152 progressView album, image #28
Проект: Ta 152C-1
1:48 Ta 152 C-1 (HobbyBoss 81702)1:48 Focke-Wulf Ta-152 (Montex MM48342)
48 21 August 2021, 15:31
Björn Svedberg Автор
Finally a new project after a while of inactivity. This is the first of three Fw's that I'm building simultaneously. 🙂
 21 August 2021, 15:34
Erik Leijdens
Welcome back Björn! Good luck with your trio 👍. This is a nice kit with good fit.
 23 August 2021, 06:47
Björn Svedberg Автор
Yes, really good fit on this kit. I'm happy to be back! Needed some time to get my model building mojo back. 🙂
 23 August 2021, 16:07
Alan G
Anything wurger related i'm into. so watching this build (and the others).
 23 August 2021, 16:36
If you manage to build all three without mixing the parts, you get to wear a sash: "Three in one go"! 😉
 23 August 2021, 18:44
Björn Svedberg Автор
You are welcome Alan and bughunter! 🙂
I've actually already mixed the parts up a couple of times (in pic 7 you can see the wing-assembly for the Dora.), but nothing glued to the wrong model yet.. (I think..) 😉
 24 August 2021, 14:04
Björn Svedberg Автор
A little more progress on the Ta-152. Fuselage and wings are assembled. Canopy masked and painted with interion color and the whole outside masked and preshaded with a black base.
 11 September 2021, 14:50
Björn Svedberg Автор
Another progress update of the Ta 152. Main camo is finished along with the insignias.
 17 September 2021, 07:21
Alan G
Loving it Bjorn
 17 September 2021, 15:49
Sebastian Meyner
Very nice work so far Björn 👍
 17 September 2021, 18:30
Björn Svedberg Автор
Thank you Alan and Sebastian! 🙂
 20 September 2021, 12:28
Björn Svedberg Автор
It is now finished! A really nice build experience! 🙂
 1 October 2021, 08:45
Sebastian Meyner
Awesome 👍
 1 October 2021, 09:59
Erik Leijdens
Another fantastic build Björn! Nice and clean, just like the real TANK 👍
 1 October 2021, 10:07
Alan G
Stunning Bjorn. A build to be proud of
 1 October 2021, 12:54
Björn Svedberg Автор
Thank you Sebastian, Erik and Alan! 🙂
 1 October 2021, 13:53
Guy Rump
Beautiful modelling 👍
 1 October 2021, 14:06
Björn Svedberg Автор
Thank you Guy! 🙂
 2 October 2021, 07:40
Rui S
Clean model 👍
 2 October 2021, 14:00
Björn Svedberg Автор
Thank you Rui! 🙂
 3 October 2021, 08:07
The first one is already a winner ......... 👍
 3 October 2021, 09:44
Björn Svedberg Автор
Thank you Neuling! 🙂
 4 October 2021, 15:58
Strange to see the air intake on the left side. Is that the kit or a mistake?
 29 May 2024, 14:57
Oh I get it - it's a C variant. Now I understand.
 29 May 2024, 14:59
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic job!
 29 May 2024, 15:04

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