Тема започната от PanzerJD

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96 снимки
Operation of Tébourba - Kampfgruppe Djedeida (501 Schwere PanzerAbteilung in Tunisia)
Approaching to town of Djedeida.
43 4 October 2021, 02:31

Thx for your comment, Simon.
I decide to finish the rest of work before late December. However, I am still planning a diorama for this Tunisia Initial Version Tiger and Panzer III N. I am considering tank crews and figures that I should employ for diorama.
11 November 2021, 05:38

Coureos to see how your dio will look like when it's finished!
12 November 2021, 05:10

To Simon:
Probably finish the diorama in the year 2022 😂. I usually work on the model buildings at weekend or holiday, I hope I can have some spare time during the weekdays in December or early January.
12 November 2021, 06:39

Great Work. 👍 So you have the Tiger, and now the Pz III M, and then a Dio? 🤔
15 January 2022, 13:07

Thx for your comment, Rui.
I actually have a Pz III Ausf. N of 501 Heavy Abt. and I believe I have already showed that kit in the same album. I am planning to employ the Tiger and Pz. III N for a diorama of Operation of Djedeida in early December 1942.
Regarding to the Pz III Ausf. M, I only have a very brief idea and I am still doing some research for it. I am pretty sure that all the Pz III served for 501 Abt. were type N, while I am not very sure about the situation in 504 Abt. and 5th army. Some reference contexts and photos show that Pz. III Ausf. M were equipped by 5th army (including 504 Abt. abd 15 Pz. Div.), however, some other reference points that Pz III equipped by 504 Abt. and 15 Pz. Div. were type L. Very few reference photo of Pz. III M in Tunisia can be found on Google and another serious problem was that it is very hard to distinguish type L and M on those blurred photos.
I personally believe that most of Pz. III from 7, 15 Pz. Div. and 504 Abt. were Pz. III Ausf. L and there should be a few of Pz. III Ausf. M in the same organization, but the number of Pz. III M was small.
15 January 2022, 17:52

Sorry for the late reply J D, of course it's a N, I was being dyslexic. I've done the same type in my tunis Dio.
Anyway, Nice outcome and Dio 👍
27 June 2023, 22:34