FineScale Modeler Volume 11 Issue 1

- Списание:
- FineScale Modeler
- Номер:
- Volume 11 Issue 1 | January 1993
- Език:
- English
- 07482008285001
Review, 1:9 | Page 6WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by Phil KirchmeierHalcyon HAL 04, Alien warrior with base and egg
Build Report, 1:15 | Page 22FSM SHOWCASE SPECIAL FEATURE: Phyllis and Gerald Wingrove's 1/15 scale Bugatti Royale
Advanced techniques - incredible results!
Build Report, 1:6 | Page 26Detailing a 1/6 scale Terminator
by Dean EyreAdd LEDs - then try a few basic metalworking techniques
Tips & Tricks | Page 30Coloring uniforms with acrylic modeling paints
by Lynn Kessler, Don WinarVersatile techniques that offer an alternative to traditional oils
Tips & Tricks | Page 36FSM'S VAC-SHOP - 3: Assembling vacuum-formed parts
by Paul BoyerNow your model is starting to look familiar, but tere are a few wrinkles to iron out
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 42Modeling the A-5A Vigilante in 1/72 scale
by Paul BoyerBackdating Hasegawa's reconnaissance RA-5C to the shipboard attack version
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 50Improving Tamiya's 1/35 scale King Tiger
by Colin M. SheaCorrections and details to help you break out of the "straight-from-the-box" mold

German Heavy Tank
King Tiger Panzer KampfWagen VI Tiger II "Konigs Tiger" Sd.Kfz. 182 Tamiya 1:35
MM157 (57) 1975 Нови части Tips & Tricks | Page 56Making wall fragments for figure displays
by Glenn BartolottiAdd dimension to figure vignettes with these easy-to-build structures
by Paul BoyerU.S. Air Force EC-121R Constellation
Review, 1:200 | Page 67Renwal's Polaris submarine
by Paul BoyerNumber 18 in THE CLASSIC KITS series

Nuclear Sub SSB(N)618 Thomas Jefferson See-Thru model Renwal 1:200
653-349 1964 Нови части Review, 1:72 | Page 6bWORKBENCH REVIEWS
by Ken SchmidtAeroclub, Aer Macci-Aeritalia-Embraer AMX
by Lee Vande VisseArmand P. Bayardi AO/1, 1862 3-inch Ordinance Rifle