FineScale Modeler Volume 15 Issue 2

- Списание:
- FineScale Modeler
- Номер:
- Volume 15 Issue 2 | February 1997
- Език:
- English
- 07547008285602
Build Report | Page 28Portfolio
GLENN JOHNSON'S SPACECRAFT Modeling the hardware of the final frontier.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 32Realistic Weathering
by John AdelmannTHE AH-1W SUPER COBRA The basics of applying a wash to your aircraft.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 38Israeli Defense Force M109
by James P. WelchSELF-PROPELLED GUN Converting an Italeri M109E4 to an IDF M109AL.
Editorial | Page 52How Model Kits Are Produced
by Edie MoatmanMODERN MOLDING An inside look at the factory.
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 58Kitbashing a Boeing 720B
by Jack BallardAIRLINER Building Boeing's hot rod.

EC-135C "Looking Glass" Airborne Command Post Wings Aviation Collection
8955 1994 Нова кутия Build Report | Page 62Your First Resin Car Conversion
by George S. BojaciukTHE '65 NOVA A Chevy with muscle to spare.