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Military Illustrated Modeller 11

Military Illustrated Modeller


Military Illustrated Modeller
11 | March 2012


Review, 1:32  | Page 4
Two Seats Fit for a Kaiser

by Rob Baumgartner
Wingnut Wing's 1:32 scale Rumpler C.IV
Rumpler C.IV Early
Wingnut Wings 1:32
32023 2012 Нова матрица

Review, 1:48  | Page 5
Cold War Fighter

by Brett Green
The Editor examines the differences between Eduard's original 1:48 scale MiG-21MF and their most recent release in the Fishbed family, the MiG-21 BIS.
MiG-21BIS ProfiPack
Eduard 1:48
8232 2011 Нови части

Reference | Page 6
Masterton FE.2b

by Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson shares some photos of an FE.2b in flying condition.
FE.2b Early
Wingnut Wings 1:32
32014 2011 Нова матрица

Build Report, 1:32  | Page 8
The Fighting Fee

by Dave Johnson
Wingnut Wings' 1:32 scale FE.2b Early Version
FE.2b Early
Wingnut Wings 1:32
32014 2011 Нова матрица

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 18
Magic Halifax Part One - Construction

by Brett Green
The Editor builds Revell's all-new 1:72 scale Handley Page Halifax B. Mk.I/II, GR.II, and makes some modifications to the kit's Merlin engine nacelles.
Handley Page Halifax B Mk.I/II - GRII
Revell 1:72
04670 (80-4670) 2011 Нова матрица

Build Report, 1:32  | Page 28
Defending Fortress Europe

by Chris Wauchop
Chris Wauchop builds a second of Hasegawa's new 1:32 scale Messerschmitt Bf 109 F kits, this time the Bf 109 F-2 in the markings of Staffelkapitan Siegfried Schnell
Messerschmitt Bf109F-2 Limited Edition
Hasegawa 1:32
08210 2011 Нови части

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 36
Triple Fury

by Mike Robertson
Mike Robertson builds three HobbyBoss 1:48 scale FJ-4 Furies in varied and colourful schemes.
FJ-4B Fury
HobbyBoss 1:48
80313 2008 Нови части

Review, 1:48  | Page 39
SWIP Intruder

by Brett Green
Kinetic has expanded their growing family of modern US Navy aircraft to include the A-6E Intruder.
A-6E Intruder
Kinetic 1:48
K48023 2012 Нова матрица

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 40
Helluva Cat!

by Rafe Morrissey
Building Eduard's Itty Bitty Kitty
F6F-3 Hellcat ProfiPACK Edition
Eduard 1:72
7076 2011 Нова матрица

Review, 1:72  | Page 45
Junkers Gem

by Brett Green
Revell's brand new and beautifully detailed 1:72 scale Junkers Ju 88 A-4
Junkers Ju 88A-4 Bomber
Revell 1:72
04672 2011 Нова матрица

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 46
Derelict Dora

by James Davies
James Davies cooks up a tasty concoction of Tamiya's 1:48 scale Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-9, after-market parts and a dash of scratch building.
Focke-Wulf Fw190 D-9
Tamiya 1:48
61041 1995 Нова матрица

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 56
Nocturnal Nemesis

by Brett Green
Part Two - Painting and Detailing
Northrop P-61A `Black Widow`
Great Wall Hobby (GWH) 1:48
L4802 2011 Нова матрица

Miscellaneous | Page 65
Next Issue

What's coming up in the next issue of Military Illustrated Modeller

Review, 1:48  | Page 66

by Brett Green
Stop Press - Great Wall Hobby's 1:48 TBD-1 Devastator
Douglas TBD-1 'Devastator' VT-8 at Midway 1942
Great Wall Hobby (GWH) 1:48
L4807 2012 Нова матрица