Model Military International 142

- Списание:
- Model Military International
- Номер:
- 142 | February 2018
- Език:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline - February 2018
Reference | Page 6Think Tank ~ M3 Grant Close-Up
by Brett GreenThe Editor takes a close-up look at several Australian M3 Grants, inside and out.
Review, 1:35 | Page 12COMMAND PANTHER
by Graham TetleyGraham Tetley reviews the newest incarnation of Dragon's Befehls Panther Ausf.G.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 14QUEEN OF THE DESERT
by Pawel RzymskiPawel Rzymski builds Takom’s new 1:35 scale M3 Grant
Review, 1:35 | Page 24PRIME MOVER, SOVIET STYLE
by Brett GreenThe Editor examines Bronco's 1:35 scale ZiL-131V tractor truck.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 26BEETLE TANK
by Brett GreenBrett Green gets hold of a test shot of Tamiya's 1:35 scale German Assault Team & Goliath Set and cannot resist building it!
Miscellaneous | Page 32SINGLE BLADE CUTTER
by James HatchJames Hatch is impressed with a new style of sprue cutter from Brevco Modelling
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 34SUEZ DEFENDER
by Jim TurnerJim Turner converts Dragon's 1:35 Soviet SU-85M Tank Destroyer into an Egyptian SU-100 using Accurate Armour's multimedia parts.
Review, 1:35 | Page 41Incoming
by Brett Green
Sd.Kfz.171 Panther Late Production Tracks & Movable Running Gear Parts
Meng Model 1:35
SPS-049 2017 Нова матрица 
Panther Ausf. A Late Production Zimmerit Decal Type 4 Meng Model 1:35
SPS-053 2017 Нова матрица 
Panther Ausf. A Late Production Zimmerit Decal Type 3 Meng Model 1:35
SPS-052 2017 Нова матрица 
Panther Ausf. A Late Production Zimmerit Decal Type 2 Meng Model 1:35
SPS-051 2017 Нова матрица 
Panther Ausf. A Late Production Zimmerit Decal Type 1 Meng Model 1:35
SPS-050 2017 Нова матрица Build Report, 1:35 | Page 42"D" IS FOR DEADLY
by Chris WauchopChris Wauchop adds extra detail and his individual stamp onto Tamiya's 1:35 scale Panther Ausf. D.

Schurzen for Pz.Kpfw.V Panther Ausf.D and A
Armorscale 1:35
Armament for Panther Ausf.D Early
Aber 1:35
Panther Early Style Track Set (for any applicable Dragon, Italeri or Tamiya kits)
WWII Productions 1:35
90mm Nb.k.wg Smoke/Grenade Thrower (Empty) for WW2 German Tanks
Model Point 1:35
For Panther Ausf.D & Ausf.A
Panther markings of Pz.Abt.51,Pz.Abt.52,15.Pz.Rgt.,11.Pz.DivEchelon Fine Details 1:35
AXT351009 2006 Нова матрица Miscellaneous | Page 50TANKMOD 2017
by Julian ShawyerThe Tank Museum at Bovington hosted the TANKMOD model show on 7 October 2017. Julian Shawyer attended.
Review, 1:35 | Page 54NEXT GEN PANTHER A
by Brett GreenMeng has released a brand new 1:35 scale late model Panther Ausf. A - the first new Panther Ausf. A kit in this scale since 2002. The Editor takes a close look at the contents.
Reference | Page 58Book Reviews
The latest military and modelling titles in print
Review, 1:48 | Page 601:48 Scale
by Luke PittNews and opinion in the world of 1:48s by Luke Pitt