Model Military International 104

- Списание:
- Model Military International
- Номер:
- 104 | December 2014
- Език:
- English
News | Page 4Newsline - December ’14
What’s new in the world of military modelling
Reference | Page 6Think Tank - International MaxxPro
by Stuart RansleyStuart Ransley examines the origins, development, variants and future plans for the MaxxPro family of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 12MRAP TO THE MAXX
by Andrew JudsonKinetic’s latest step in its exploration of modern vehicles is a 1:35 scale 4 x 4 MRAP Armoured Fighting Vehicle. Andrew Judson builds the kit.
Review, 1:35 | Page 18AXIS AMBULANCE
by Graham TetleyGraham Tetley checks out ICM’s 1:35 scale ambulance version of the famous Opel Blitz truck.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 20AMERICAN MAMMOTH
by Steve ZalogaDragon’s new 1:35 scale M6A1 Heavy Tank is an interesting subject despite its relative obscurity and a number of accuracy issues. Steve Zaloga tackles this as a fun project. ZalogaSteve
Review, 1:35 | Page 26TIGER, TOO
by Andrew JudsonAndrew Judson reviews this 1:35 scale Russian Humvee tribute from new company, Xact Scale Models.
News | Page 28EURO MILITAIRE 2014
by Marcus NichollsMarcus Nicholls heads south to attend the UK’s premier military modelling event.
News, 1:35 | Page 32HOW TO BUILD… THE LEOPARD FAMILY IN 1:35
by Spencer PollardSpencer Pollard introduces us to his latest book, How To Build… The Leopard Family In 1:35’, available now from ADH Books
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 34WAR PRIZE
by Brett GreenThe Editor presents Tamiya’s new 1:35 scale Toyota Phaeton as a captured trophy vehicle.
Build Report | Page 44HE’S GOT LEGS!
by Matt WellhouserMatt Wellhouser leads us on a step-by-step guide to painting Bonehead Models’ debut offering, a full 200mm SS Squad Leader figure.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 50JAGDPANZER IV LANG
by Chris WauchopWith the new Tamiya Jagdpanzer IV L/70 just around the corner, Chris Wauchop shares his thoughts about the older Dragon kit, which he built in 2007.
by Brett GreenThe Editor takes a close look at the Hetzer on display at The Tank Museum, Bovington.
Review, 1:35 | Page 54TRACKED AND TOWED
by Graham TetleyICM has been busy lately! Graham Tetley examines ICM’s 1:35 scale Maultier half-track with the captured Soviet 7.62mm Pak 36 (r).
Review, 1:35 | Page 56Incoming
News on accessories, tools and finishing products

WW2 U.S M2/M3 Halftrack Front Sagged Wheel Set (Dragon)
Def.Model 1:35
WW2 U.S. M8/M20 Greyhound Sagged Wheel Set (Tamiya)
Def.Model 1:35
DW30025 News | Page 60Book Reviews
Roundup of the latest modelling and reference titles