FineScale Modeler Volume 1 Issue 1 (Fall 1982)

- Списание:
- FineScale Modeler
- Номер:
- Volume 1 Issue 1 (Fall 1982) | September 1982
- Език:
- English
- 0748200828523
Review, 1:76 | Page 11FSM WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by Dennis MooreMatchbox PK-176, Char B.1 bis and Renault FT.17 tanks
Review, 1:72 | Page 14FSM WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by Dennis MooreItaleri 682, McDonnell Douglas RF-4C or E Phantom II
Build Report, 1:32 | Page 20Posing and painting "The Fez Seller"
by Joe BertonA dramatic two-figure vignette built from Airfix 1/32 scale multi-pose figures
Tips & Tricks | Page 23Styrene parts from RTV molds
by Bob HaydenThe only exotic tooling is a toaster oven
Editorial | Page 26Building a five-model scale reference display
by Larry SchrammQuickly constructed P-51s that immediately explain the concept of scale
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 28Modeling the Supermarine Walrus in 1/48 scale
by Roscoe CreedFunny - it doesn't look like a Spitfire
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 36Three for the road
by Bruce CulverDetailing and weathering a trio of World War Two jeeps

Jeep 1/4 ton 4x4 truck Willys MB included in kit: 4 infantrymen Tamiya/MRC 1:35
MM-115A 197x Нови части Build Report, 1:43 | Page 44Building your first cast-metal car kit
by Wayne E. MoyerA 1/43 scale Mexican Road Race Ferrari
Build Report, 1:25 | Page 51Realistic weathering for older trucks
by John MahaffeyNine techniques you can use to age any model